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About AmonaGussini2007

  • Birthday 04/23/2007

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  1. I've been playing this game for a year now and i don't think daily mission is doing that much especially those who are f2p... asides from raid, campaign events and event quests. Don't get me wrong here but daily mission is fine it's just that it is not enough in the current state of super mechs where base is implemented, expensive offers and upgrading stuff.... My rewards suggestion is here as it follows (basically daily mission rewards but more) Finish 30 campaign mission - 50k gold Obtain 200 items - 45k gold Win 30 arena battles - 100 fuel Boost using 150 items - 50k gold Finish all campaign missions - 70 token I calculated them based on their original daily mission rewards × 10 but his is just my suggestion... share your opinions, and critics here..!
  2. Hello everyone, i am Amona Gussini but you can call me Amona. I've been playing this game for like a year now but i just recently found this forum through a certain friend . I am an American though i am currently in the Philippines right now so yeah that is my introduction as for now. I will also answer your questions here and my in game name in super mechs is Nino Nakano... hehe sounds like a weeb name Anyways that is it for now nice to meet you all!!
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