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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by AKITTENINABOWL

  1. Hardened platinum has no hp lmao. And pls don't comment on dead treads.
  2. Replace the ketchup with pickle sauce.
  3. Probably because you played while the event switched.
  4. I want ( Top secret thing that I can't announce because it will happen in 2025 and it's a surprise )
  5. I just want to see strategic hybrid mechs, not stupid
  6. It's really painful to use that bot.
  7. Just shut up hybrid mechs that are for arena suck.
  8. Wait a minute... The text... GM root types like that. It might be him.
  9. At least I managed to beat the portal on all of my account except 1.
  10. There are too many players. The game is also bugged on pc and on the web.
  11. Oh my God! Edit: If oki doki doesn't stop giving me laugh reactions I will ad here to my " Will ban right after I but the game " list LMAO
  12. There are 10 trillion other people that want that but It's 100% alt abusing. So you should just stop.
  13. I added that category because I became the leader of that clan. And BTW pls don't show staff only stuff.
  14. Claw isn't used for titans. I created a better version that actually uses spider.
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