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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by AKITTENINABOWL

  1. superb, shotgun, legs or drone
  2. Just get spider torso. It's a legacy but who cares.
  3. I think I went a little bit overkill. And I still need to add plasma. @BananaananaB It's because servers normally have 3 bots while I have 8.
  4. It was used in 2021 so you are right
  5. You don't really need heat and energy these days.
  6. My alt acc that got windigo on their 4th day:
  7. Dude this server is 1 day old. Nobody focuses on bots on their first day.
  8. And btw windigo is used in mid ranks. If we are talking about how hard it is to get something then we are talking about mid ranks. So what?
  9. Dude I banned that guy imediatly But can't remove all the messages. At least I removed around 50 of them
  10. Dude you said an uncensored word multiple times.
  11. Res is nearly everything. Do you understand?
  12. Because mpv is better
  13. By the way my bishop ended up there because the white bishop attacked my queen and it was beeing defended by a knight. That knight was pinned to the white queen and I took it with my bishop because ( Massive calculations )
  14. I'm around 800 but that's because I bearly even play. My chance of winning is over 90%.
  15. It's for sharing tips and tricks. If you want to join click this link:https://discord.gg/tNkd4s55
  16. OK I don't care I didn't even want to join it
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