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Ace Red Baron

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Posts posted by Ace Red Baron

  1. 11 minutes ago, The Rabbity said:

    sometime i look at the player counts and wonder why am i spending on this game to begin with, considering more than half of the player count are that one drunk group of friends from some russian village in russia boosting each other for those sparkling pixels

    🍾Cheers  🥳 Super Mech 🍺🍻🍾 🥂 

       🐇  Super mech is good for alls 🐰 

    Go Nibble  your carrots 🥕 I like them in my soup🥘


  2. On 12/18/2022 at 1:27 PM, bestplayeroftheworld said:

    Once a developer (Liran) told me, that the real number of online players is the one at ...

    - settings
    - info

    ... the one at the Arena incl. bots, special accounts, etc., which makes sense, since the real number at "info" is always the lower one ❗


    P.S.: imagine the time, where multi-tabbing worked, so many accounts counted x times as online, watching still the big gap between these 2 numbers, we could think for some it still works

    These  are the late’s number of today! 💍




  3. 18 hours ago, Scarlet Lorv said:

    Happy New Year my dear friend. I wish you to meet this holiday cheerfully and happily, to spend this year successfully and beautifully, filling it with great achievements, joyful events and pleasant moments. Let this year begin with luck and a good fairy tale. May love and joy surround you every day.

    Scarlet Lorv

    Freind Best wishes to you  for the new year … Health ,love and yes money 💰


  4. Bonjour Ayron 

    les copains sont presque tous arrivés viens nous rejoindre le plus vite possible nous attendons ta venue 

    C’est une invitation de Ace a **TOP GUN **

    Ils nous reste encore quelque anciens qui se sont pas encore manifestés 

    Nous attendons OKI ,POPPINS et les autres 

    merci !


    4 minutes ago, AcE BaRoN said:

    Bonjour Ayron 

    les copains sont presque tous arrivés viens nous rejoindre le plus vite possible nous attendons ta venue 

    C’est une invitation de Ace a **TOP GUN **

    Ils nous reste encore quelque anciens qui se sont pas encore manifestés 

    Nous attendons OKI ,POPPINS et les autres 

    merci !


    Invitation to  all old members and new ones willing to join the Clan 

    Looking forward to  meeting all 



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