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Everything posted by SolarisHK-CZ805

  1. Now for everyone who really wants to meet me, even if I am kind of infamous for simply existing in SuperMechs chat, or maybe the game as a whole, here is the server link that leads to my own Discord server : The Omura Unofficial Server

    Do not bother asking my name, just look on my about me page.

  2. I have won 35 times as of this post Also one more thing This? Or this?
  3. So long buddy, but only in your dreams. Until the Forums completely died, no one is declared the winner... yet.
  4. No, buddy No one will win this topic Hell, no one will ever survive the heat death of the universe
  5. False, I am currently awake and have been out from my slumber. Next person likes to eat chicken curry.
  6. Can you see any borders from here? What borders have given us?
  7. False, I do like ketchup with the tomato in the name, but anything else? No. Next person does not want to get in my hyper ship fleets' range.
  8. It somewhat relaxed my old self a little bit, but I need an answer to this one Was it worth getting four Rapid Destructions at the same time?
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