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antitankmachinegun's Achievements

  1. Electro Magnet Rifle EM Rifle 16 (from mech arena) x Lightning Scope (from super mechs) Unleashes hypersonic-speed beam of Electromagnetic Energy with a 70% chance of doubling the damage!
  2. AEÆaeæ Riot would probably like this resolution really bad cuz its not vector have fun
  3. asking for answers, what font sm uses
  4. yes, i could make it an stl file, the problem is i dont have enough money to buy a 3d printer
  5. bruh but its the fact that its thin like a fish try it, it'll make it looks funny btw this is the prev before i stretch it
  6. im a newbie (actually rank 13 but started some weeks ago) and i like some designs in this game like the "Brutality" torso which is also known as the "Godmode". i did a quick modelling of it and hasn't textured it yet, using only a picture of it. im gonna make the legs next and then the weapons and then the drone (following the mech in my profpic) here's the preview of it, hope you like it
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