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Everything posted by Yuki_20

  1. What app are you using? safari Google
  2. If you don't mind, could you show me the inventory? In my range, is it like this?
  3. Nice Video! This song is NCS. I’m like too. 10/10
  4. The opponent is actually the previous leader. (Thunder Predator) Max weapon: night Fall Space Invader Troll Mech:) 2500HPMech I have cleared the sub 2insane of the OD.
  5. I made an art that was passionate and blitzed. Design by Yukiya.
  6. Thanks! This is the first time I've attacked Titan with Rare's torso.
  7. 最初の質問。 ドローンを優先します。
  8. Hello,Jamie. My name is Yukiya. Nice to meet you.
  9. Thank you for your review. Now, I've achieved 3000 levels, and then I'm aiming for 5000 levels next time. When I started this game, I started playing the leading role. I like to play games, but I wanted to be strong, and I also wanted to be strong. And I am to be a hero of this game. Please support me. Design by Yukiya
  10. There are too few inventory, so it's a bad mechanism. Cards can be produced on a base or you can get a box in the campaign. The present Mech Advantage: The amount of heat when it becomes an overheat decreases. As for the sub weapon, you need to attach a ricolasu.
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