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Everything posted by Yuki_20

  1. Coming soon. And enjoy!
  2. Good morning••• (JPN AM 8:33) I never thought it would end like this. I measured my temperature yesterday. I was fine normally, but it wasn't. The fever I measured yesterday was 37.5°C. And today••• There was something I didn't do, and I got up at 6 a.m. I was fine normally, I ate breakfast and measured it again. However, the fever remained unchanged and it was 37.6°C. I thought about the reason why this happened. In my opinion, I think it's because I didn't manage my physical condition or because I played too many games. I didn't take care of my physical condition, so maybe it's because of that. Everyone, please don't lose to Corona and continue to manage your physical condition. Yukiya.
  3. Thanks! Bonus chip•••WOAH!!!!
  4. Yeah, I like my name. Yukiya, That's a good name for me.
  5. Aftokrator… In fact, this name means "emperor" in Greek. It’s Clever Name.
  6. I just looked into this.
  7. Are you the only one with this symptom?
  8. Yuki_20


    I can see it. Haha!
  9. Do you have this symptom?
  10. I think that's information I don't know.
  11. Yuki_20


    Emerald Design by Yukiya.
  12. Before I used this, I thought it was cool. Design by Yukiya.
  13. Tarantula Design by Yukiya.
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