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---Soul Burner---

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Everything posted by ---Soul Burner---

  1. Wow can you make mine too? (Im a boy)
  3. Obunga's son binuga was also come with obunga to eat salad and mac'n'cheese
  4. I make it random thats why Yeah its not SM color
  5. Looks nice but remove the x on dots and make dont make it green make it yellow bcs its a physical weapon thanks to improve it
  6. Its reaper here's a image (can anyone make it 2d) Stats are given At divine With arena buff Uses - 3 Push - 1 Damage - 317 - 439 Resist drain - 10 physical resist drain Heat taken - 32 Energy consume - 28 Range - 4-7
  7. Then dog pooped kitten and obunga ordered Salad
  8. Then Great white shark eat mega mouse (im back)
  9. You dont bro i will start a super duper best clan name (Ultra Speed Guys!) Join us bro Wins 50+ (i will also give 50+wins) If you offline over 3days you will be kicked Be active and happy Rank 11+ Ur rank 14 pancake so i do that setting u can join tell to daniko too and danger too To join
  10. Sorry bro that mech is didn't usable i suggest u to make a build like this this build is super good for ur 2nd mech this build is good for 12-7 ranks
  11. Make a electric build here's one Torso and legs- Naga and massive shocker feet Side weapons- Use malice beam,hot flash,emp and a energy hammer (or use lightning recoiler instead) Top weapon- hysteria Drone - Face shocker (Dont use that Unreliable protector if you have below 1500 hp) Modules- Energy engine (2),Heat engine(2),Combined storage unit,Iron plating,Energy mass booster, Savior resistance That's all for make a good 2nd mech
  12. The news is i leave my clan T_T im very sad we are not progressing It end here T_T I need clan Ur hacking can you take me in ur UwU clan? T_T pls do it to rank 13 i derank some ur clan wants 12+ rank but pls do it rank 13+ pls
  13. Not really i found it 5/10 its a cool game for waste ur time XD (jokes asides) Its a game where you have to complete tiers like u have 14 opponents you have to beat all of them in once and also you getting upgraded you get access to new items like harpoon and sticky wheels and you complete all tiers like wood tier metal tier miltary tier golden tier and my favourite very you get very powerful carbon tier if you complete all then ir process restart and you get a badge then again and again it make the game completely boring but yes some best events also happens like hotwheels event also if you get upgraded then you access to big cars and news big weapons too but its all depended to ur energy if you have like 10 energy and you choose more energy weapons like 11 then your mech dont work its too much info play the game you will know all thats all
  14. Max ur energy storage unit also max cooling mass booster and energy mass booster use common teleporter bcs it uses only 3 energy also remove the battery armor i recommend u to become heat bcs heat is super powerful in any elements thats all
  15. Beaten 3v3 danger zone like a pro From fortune box im very lucky From the box IM VERY HAPPY YAY!
  16. Gotten this from the arena box But im very happy bcs i beaten 3v3 danger zone 3rd level bcs of that hammer (Edit: Im stuck at 3v3 danger zone level 9 i wanna say i didn't beat the danger zone lol typo fault)
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