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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. Yes, is a premium pack from my inventory that i must forgotten to open it .
  2. Not bad..really not bad..not bad at all nay .
  3. save all, these item was premium don't fuse them and it's meta . Also i would like to notice that the free premium pack have a highter chance to get 2 - 3 legendary, each time there were at least 2 .
  4. I don't know these ennemy, they come from the 3vs3 campaign ? Either i will give advice but as i have not arrived there my advice are not reliable . For your mech i advice you physical mech or heat mech , the opponent have probably so good energy stats for they can be energy break . The First opponent was obviously a long range mech but have not hammer, approach him and he will do nothing even with his teleport ( if there is one ) The second opponent uhh... just have a hammer with a repulser and some long range weapon, the repulser will be there to use up his charge and the grappling hook . The third opponent mech is the most complicated ennemy to fight, it is simply balanced, try to keep him out of the bunker shell and the 1 - 2 range weapon . 3vs3 composition - First mech ( melee ) : a mech with a charge, grappling and teleport with some melee weapon for counting the first mech . Second mech ( longue range ) : a mech with a hammer and a repulser with some longue range weapon with potentially a teleport . Third mech : as loud possibles .
  5. Stelight


    If you can myth between a torso and a module mythify without hesistation the torso, it gives you a lot of energy, heat and resist stats . The weapon are generally done after the torso when you have good enought stats to use them .
  6. Unfortunaly there is no real solution to this , increase their weight will reduce their effectiveness on it's own (and please never balance by increase the weights, it can ruin builds for many player beside these weapons are not that strong ) However reducing the weights and reducing their effects maybe seems more appropriate, okay you able to put 2 emp more easily but their effectiveness will be reduced and 3 emp equipped will discourage since you only have a maximum of 6 weapons ( for frantics you can only equip 2 ) .
  7. A nightmare not totally unreal .
  8. I am the one who wrote this message .
  9. You have so low energy and heat stats, generally the mech have ~300 stats of energy regeneration/ cooling and ~600 in capacity . Also you don't need a second nightfall if you have a spartan . ( i repost because it have a little mistake not correctable with edit ) I propose a stats analysis to verify this , The mercy was 19 weight heavier than annihilation, less resist drain and more damage but it have exactly the same minimum damage ( ~250 ) with highter max damage ( + ~135 ), so according to my calculation with the comparison of resist drain the annihilator inflict +60 damage ( without counting the difference of damage) so because of that it bring back to 250 - 497 damage for mercy that to say the mercy inflict average 38 only more damage for each hit than annihilation . But it make no sense to compare these 2 weapons for this reason : they don't have the sames roles ; The annihilation inflict constant damage at the 1 - 2 range, it is used because it does not push . The mercy inflict decent damage and potentially push the opponent so that it can be hit by a medium range weapon . So i propose to compare with a more similar weapon : The rock recoiler The rock recoiler inflict damage just below that of mercy average, have the same weight than annihilation (-19 than the mercy ) but it have a cost.. at first sight the rock recoiler seems to be better, it's depends but generally the rock recoiler would be better . For the better melee weapon i suggest this ( in order of the first and second best weapon ) : Hugger weapon ( that bring you closer to the opponent ) : Rock polisher Normal weapon ( with constant damage, no push or pulling ) : Disintegration Pushing weapon : Rock recoiler
  10. Nice , is for energy hugger ( double brightroar / brightroar + Upc ...)
  11. It is also the sacrifice cannon, the back fire and lightest version of the frantic .
  12. Nice The flame spear and the corrupt light is a good combo .
  13. I don't see any spartan carnage* ( is better with the real name lmao ..), the build you show was a mech you count build if you have the spartan ?
  14. Boss : Get to work ! Me : Um.. yes ! Boss : Do you at least know what you have to do ? Me : Build a Turret type mech for the battle Boss : Okay i leave you to work . Me : ( What do i have to do ?.. ) Several hours later ... *The boss come back to check the work..* Boss : So what do you do.. Me : Boss : C-Can you explain this thing ?!? Me : I was not told exactly where to put the legs and the torso . ( the image is a montage )
  15. Stelight


    Is a navigator, with puffin you could play super mechs as if you were on computer while you are on mobile, so you can claim the free gift if you miss the notification .
  16. I don't think it would work, you have not so many hp for a claw and gets shreeded by energy mech . Also when you will be in hight ranks the "armor breaker" are going to be very important . maybe replace the double teleporter by the normal version and add a broken armor dissolver or the premium version . ( i am just only rank 12 )
  17. I got 2 of them in legendary from a fortune box ..
  18. The set of weapon inself is good, on the other hands the set of Modules are not the better, so i suggest this set of modules : also i replace the grim reaper by a nightmare .
  19. The idea look good, but if we customize the paint it would be possible to creat almost identical to the mystic or storm paint ( the most expensive painting ) , and unfortunaly maybe even thing are of topic .
  20. I like this detail.. i did not expect to fight against Raul.. On the other hand what does it mean "the Prah" ?
  21. That's hard, of just a few tokens if you wanted to buy it ..
  22. If you don't need a especially item like forteress or quad core why not but it's is you who decide.
  23. ( from a fortune box ) That's good, i needed myth food for my cooling mass booster . my 5th maxed items :
  24. https://community.supermechs.com/topic/848-balance-request-buff-ultra-bright-resist-drain-to-9-damage-to-216-280-weight-reduction-like-dawn-blaze/?do=getNewComment here is this, also be careful of do not necroposting ( post in a topic that dates back sometimes like several months)
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