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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. It's depend what if type of mech you use (if is energy use fackshocker but if is explosive use heatpoint ) but globaly faceshocker look better than heatpoint, it was lightest and have pratically 2 time better stats for energy drain than heat damage of heat point . Otherwise like what i said before is depend what is your type of your mech .
  2. Wow is a double legendary fortune box ( 1/1000 or 0.09% )
  3. ( arena box r12 ) Oh nice a legenda.. ry ?..
  4. 27 ? uh.. It will be so op, the armor annihilator have 50 resist drain, 1 use and 24 weight and the desert fury will be 54 with a shot ( 108 with the 2 use ..) for only 5 weight heavier and does some good damage.. That not real comparable because it have not the same fonctions, the desert fury is a hybrid in damage and phy drain so almost all top physical weapon are purely in damage .
  5. Also from some comments, the resist drain stacking seems underrated . Here is the mech i will use for the calculation ( i count only the average damage rounded down ) The physical defense of the opponent will be 165 ( mpv or lpv with a platinium forteress ) The mech start ( at the 3rd range ) 1st turn 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Solar torch DAA Desert fury Desert fury ~jump~ ( activating ) 1 156 203 178 -60 phy resist -23 phy resist -23 phy resist -9 phy resist + + + + Ejection blast Spartan Spartan Spartan 307 329 376 400 -5 phy resist -15 phy resist -15 phy resist -15 phy resist ~ ~ ~ ~ Solar torch Solar torch Solar torch Solar torch 252 299 346 370 -9 phy resist -9 phy resist -9 phy resist -9 phy resist I didn't continu because the damage inflict is enought for destroy a most of mech in arena ( 3216 damage in total ) Now let's try with a idea of buff for the desert fury from of somebody ( + 10 phy resist per hit ) ( the damage changed with the buff [ 1 hit ] ) ( the damage changed with the buff [ 2 hit ] ) 1st turn 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Solar torch DAA Desert fury Desert fury ~jump~ ( activating ) 1 156 213 178 -60 phy resist -23 phy resist -23 phy resist -9 phy resist + + + + Ejection blast Spartan Spartan Spartan 307 339 396 420 -5 phy resist -15 phy resist -15 phy resist -15 phy resist ~ ~ ~ ~ Solar torch Solar torch Solar torch Solar torch 252 309 366 390 -9 phy resist -9 phy resist -9 phy resist -9 phy resist With the proposal buff the total damage increase by 110 ( 3326 damage in total ) But here is a build where the fight is very fast and i didn't counting if it fighted front a heat mech so the increase damage can up to 170 or 230 So it was like the desert fury have a average damage of 408 ( if we convert the buff into average damage but is can change if you fighted a heat mech, your weapon are blocked by energy mech, the fight finish in only 4/5 turn ..) And the spartan have 388 average damage and it's heavier but have 3 use but the weight of the desert is practically 2 times lighter .. It will was so op with tye proposal buff .. Well, i think the desert fury don't need buff but really if he had to have a buff it would be +3 resist drain, no more . But i think the best solutions is add new long range weapon , is my opinion .
  6. I advice you this set of module for your mech ( my advice are not reliable, i am only rank 11 ) : 1er : Also try to get better leg 2nd : You have another weapon ? the reckless hide something ? Otherwise add a nightfall or another weapon with a 2 - 4 range 3rd : Maybe replace the dawnblaze by a another bazalt armor dissolver or a repulser Also i add energy module to better resists against energitic mech, generally the energy resists is not enought .
  7. oof i have 2 Windigo . If only i could give you one .. ( also i don't need a second, i have already a efa and a mpv .)
  8. I don't really know about torso stats ( the mathematic, all that ..). jt from what i've seen comparing tte sith and grimreaper the sith seems a little bit better . The only thing that differentiates the 2 is that grimrepaer is 17 weight heavier for more 69 energy capacity . With module it look this . The sith look have balance stats while the grimreaper less.. with the 802 energy cap.. If i replace a quadcore by a Oe and save 10 weight it give this . In energy stats is have so good stats and well balanced but the heat stats huh..totally inbalanced ..
  9. I comfirm with the buff but i think they talking of nightmare before buff ( the topic have practically 1 years ) .
  10. Never heard of a norfing of drop rate . On the other hand there has been a modifications of portal ( maybe in september, not sure ), more tokens ( before it was 75, now 240 if we finish the portal in all difficulty ) but the chest are not longer possible to be farmed .
  11. Banned by what i wanted ban someone ( it's ironic )
  12. The premium yes if you spend directly in the premium pack on the other hand nothing is sure that we will obtain the desert snake, personnally i did not have any of this weapon nor of this variants in my 2 account .
  13. For my opinion i don't think that should be done, there would be a rarety inconsistency as the desert fury will be was not premium but the valiant sniper is the energy version of this but it will be premium except if we change the sprite of the desert fury , then it's just my opinion .
  14. I hope you feel it better What do you mean by that ?
  15. So upgrade the upgrade related of the type of your principal mech .
  16. While looking for innovative idea of news items i had this idea which seems to me brillant ( i have not idea for the sprite but maybe i will make one later . ) The protector teleporter is a teleporter ( thank captain obvious ) which is used as a classic teleporter but unlike this one instead of inflicting damage you push the ennemy and also you prevent it from placing itself around you and in you zone for 1 turn ( he the opponent have a weapon can move he in the zone he was prevented and so he can't literraly don't use it ), however, moving does not move the area prevented by this teleporter . L - L item ( the level not gain any stats like the double teleporter ) Stats at legendary : Weight : 28 Push : 1 Range ( range of the pushing ) : 1 - 1 Use : 1 Energy cost : 31 Example (the area created by the protector teleporter is marked with blue ) In this situation the opponent can use the space invader because he would be out of the area but he can't use a charge, even he pushed you he will be in the zone, however he can also use the grappling because the area affected by the teleporter in any situation it can't move Special situation, if the opponent is exactly on the corner, you can't use the teleporter right next to him
  17. Double counter ( 2vs2 ) .. however , are we getting of topic ?
  18. Your principal mech is a heat mech ? What look the other upgrade ( the level )
  19. The naga is a good torso ( one of the best not premium torso ) however, don't go off topic . ( bruh for no reason the forum have copied more than 1 time my sentence .. )
  20. like this ? The stats doesn't seem balanced at all
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