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kill with boss

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by kill with boss

  1. Means Christmas will appear after 8 days. I didn't say ago.
  2. ??? Yes, leave what??? Say please
  3. Than max 250 lvl but still can level up. And that is only SUGGESTION You are lying. see: Why you call me to die? You are toxic in this!!!
  4. Workshop Unlimited battle But I know theres problem in auto control https://workshop-unlimited.vercel.app/
  5. My Suggested rewards: lvl 250 = A mythical box (one mythical card) 300 = Plasma Fortress 350 = Platnium Fortress 400 = Electric Fortress 450 = Defense Matrix 500 = one mythical pack (five mythical card for one 501 or above (disable max level pls): every time level up = +250 tokens. XP Points on every level above 500: 5,000,000
  6. Flame Spear better. It deals most damage at all heat drone. But if you want every-turn-Flame-Spear-shoot, : range 1-2: You need recoiler or other pushing weapons range 7-8: Use some pulling weapons like Space Invader, Burning Shower etc. But Swoop is best heat drone
  7. I need better mechs to always go in rank 10 or above. Now I'm rank 10 (very hard to go in). (I will remove 2 hot flashes in future, until my corroupt light{Legendary} transformed to mythical + get heronmark) (Troso will change to Windigo too in future when its mythical level 40+) Here are my mechs: What items should I change?
  8. Yeah ikr but I wanna build Heater Mech You fought me before I remember. I'm trying to build those mechs I post in this forum but only not have building materials! You are wrong. I tried this build. If start point = range 1, I can defeat him (I controlled his mech with doing my best because the auto control enemy have problem). If I'm not tested, why I post these mechs?
  9. One more HEAT mech build that can defeat CleverName SM YT's heat mech build (see start position): If you change Top Weapon to Iron Frenzy or Desert Snake (If you use Desert Snake, you need to move a cooling mass booster), the chance is lower to defeat CleverName's build. *ATTENTION* All these mechs that I said 'Can defeat CleverName SM YT's build' are tested with his mech! NO JOKE!!!
  10. Next time post screenshots. Not camera photos. Screenshot Shortcut: WinKey + Print Screen
  11. For your mech help. (Specials such as teleport and grapping hook change to epic.)
  12. More powerful than CleverName's build (I think its the most powerful heat mech [but not at all types of mech build]):
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