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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by noㅤ

  1. I have no proof to back it up, but I think drop rates are also linked to your rank. I didn't get any legendary drops at lower ranks and rarely got epic. Now I usually get multiple epics per day and legendaries every week. Just grind missions and upgrade your existing modules. Eventually you'll go up in rank and get better drops. Don't get frustrated by your slow progress. This is a casual game. There really isn't a finish. Even when you have every single item available maxed out, some other person might just have a build that yours is weak against and crush you. If you play this game as a hobby, you'll enjoy it way more than if you play it as a task to complete.
  2. Exchange shop would be dope. I propose: 1 coin = 1000 Gold 50 coins = Common Relic 200 coins = Rare Relic or token 800 coins = Epic Relic 2000 coins = Divine Relic I want to make it expensive enough that it doesn't promote smurfs. These prices will only be useful to regular players. Just something you can buy occasionally like the Titan rewards shop as a thank you for your continued dedication.
  3. I also disagree. I was rank 5 for probably 4 months before finally reaching rank 3. I had 2 separate occasions where I was one star away but didn't make it. It made finally getting rank 3 a really big deal. Sounds cringe but I actually felt proud. Giving beggars a win won't help either of you.
  4. All you can do is stretch and get a nice drink of water as you let your timer run down. It really sucks but this isn't a priority for devs so we really can't do anything other than waste their time.
  5. Not bad. If you swap out the storage modules with heat modules this thing can take you up to rank 6 when maxed. By then you'll probably get the legendary modules required for rank five. Great job. 4/10 now, 6/10 with new modules.
  6. Did you report him? If not, please do. Unchecked cheaters multiply faster than rabbits.
  7. Joined a clan and got almost 300 titan tickets then was kicked just before the titan unlocked. I got upset but then I made rank 3 for the first time right after and got supper happy. Now I see it was a pro gamer move on their part. Well played, clan leader. Anyway I cant wait for the loot box!!!! Shout out to my fellow No at rank 168.
  8. Thanks! Been playing over a year and had no idea feet added to resistance hahaha. Gunna start upgrading them now.
  9. I ran into someone with 180 physical resistance and asked how he did it. He was kind enough to explain that he just maxed out his armor and area shop. I've maxed those too but I'm still 14 resistance lower so now I'm wondering if Platinum Fortress has less resentence than Platinum Protector or if something went wrong with my area buff. Can someone let me know what's going on? Thanks.
  10. I have so much fun playing this thing on the workshop. I know what you're thinking but just try it. As for my current 1v1 mech, I really hope to get the Plasma Fortress because Heat Protector sucks. I'd just remove the Damaged Armor Dissolver to equip it and still be within my weight limit. Pretty sure I'd get to rank 3 if I had it. I'm currently High Rank 5/Low Rank 4 but it's so fun playing with this thing, especially against energy. Who needs a drone when I can jump at them and ram them and still shoot hahaha.
  11. Bases are disabled in the order they were requested so adding more requests after yours wont help. It's clear that whoever can do it just don't feel like doing it but it's more likely they will do it eventually if they see 30 requests rather than 8000. They'd probably just say "Sorry, we aren't disabling bases anymore" if it got to that point.
  12. They're playing top ranks with mythical weapons on common bodies. It's super funny and they don't answer if you ask about the occasion. Thanks INMAX because I'm normally stuck at rank five with 1-3 stars but now I'm half way up rank 4 and with some luck I'll get my first ever rank 3 loot box ever. PS: Hey top clans, can I apply even if I reached rank 3 thanks to wholesome trolling? JK of course. I'll get there in a few more years.
  13. I regret destroying Burning Shower, Ejection Blast, and 2 Lazy Falcon. I also destroyed countless Stromweaver and TerrorBlade even though I love them because they use appear all the time so I figured I could use them as food now and get them again later. It's been 8 months since I rolled any axe so now I regret that decision haha. As for the second part, people can't believe I use The Claw as food. Sure it's good but I love jumping around. No point in winning if you're not having fun.
  14. That's the thing, it's not. It's better to get them from arena rewards. This post explains why.
  15. So my first crafting run had a 23.5% chance of getting legendary items. Original post linked below. My second run got 5 legendries out of 41 crafted items, in other words, a 12.2% chance of getting legendary items. The chances of getting legendary were cut by over 10% since the last time I tried two months ago. THE BEST USE OF A BASE: Craft Power Kits/Fast and Cheap to max out your existing items to get legendary items from higher arena tier rewards. Only craft legendries using your base once you don't need any upgrade food whatsoever. I did one more run for science just to see if chances get lowered again but I won't do any more after this one. Bases are wonderful if you use them correctly. 09575c60-4d02-4181-8968-ee2add576a31.mp4
  16. I was really surprised by top ranks. I play on an old cell phone so I lag a ton but even so I hadn't experienced toxic people until reaching 5 and now I get them every week. Thinking about starting a YouTube just to share but most harassment is more sad than funny. Just sounds like young, angry incels and isn't too entertaining.
  17. My Chess.com name is PawnSepuku! Chess and Supermechs are the only two games on my phone. Feel free to add me! I don't follow any chess players on YouTube though.
  18. It costs 400K gold. Can't remember how long it takes but here is my progress so you get a rough idea.
  19. 4 of the 17 items I crafted are legendary so I'm averaging 23.5% legendary item creation so far. In other words it's a huge waste of time and money to craft legendary items unless you're gambling for a specific item. I'm still trying to get quad core booster, combined fortress, and the heat version of the fortress resistance module so I did another round of legendary crafting. I'll post again in a few months to see if the average has changed. But anywho, after my newest crafting order I figured it's probably be faster to craft Fast and Cheap to level up my current mech and get better weekly arena loot... oh well. PS: I just made rank 4 for the very first time. Feeling proud! PPS: A bit late but I loved the Easter special. I was saving up for the 4000 token promotion but Easter's free pain jobs and higher legendary drop rate was too awesome to pass up! As a FTP player I never thought I'd be able to paint my mech. It was amazing getting so many legendary items and free paint! Now I feel more like a PTW king and not a FTP peasant haha.
  20. Just over 2 hours til I max my base. Ayy lmao.
  21. A clan for casual players who like killing titans and getting war loot. Requirements: Arena wins: No requirement. Titan tickets: 30 per week. Participate 3 rounds in war. Rank 11 or higher. Can't miss requirements 2 weeks in a row. As a new clan I don't think we'll need titan tickets or be able to participate in war yet, but even when we can that's only 6 rounds per week of clan dedication for all the loot. Requirements wont change unless we rank up like crazy because this is enough to fight titans that cost 720 tickets with 24 members. Nevertheless, be prepared for a 0.01% chance that requirements may change to 40 tickets per week a few months/years down the line. Thanks.
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