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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. Chuck Norris completed it….twice!
  2. Ahhh very nice I should have included this and bowling !!
  3. Name your time 10 favorite games. Can be more or less if you like. Don’t worry about sequels. For example you can name Mario brothers once even if you love all of them. My 10 were all my favorite game at the time I played them. So I will simply list them in order that they were my favorite. If you want to list them most favorite to least favorite go for it! have fun and can’t wait to see your top 10! Street fighter Zelda Tetris killer instinct sim city Nexus TK total annihilation counter strike castle crashers Super Mechs
  4. also I’m willing to bet taticisoft made the changes after gato bought the game. I’ll present as evidence the lack of any Changes since the transition period.
  5. Everyone one does. I bet the breath oxygen, eat food, fall asleep and then wake up as well.
  6. Total flop. So let’s stop saying “they are busy” with another game
  7. Fordekash


    Did not happen to me. Have you given anyone your password?
  8. https://steamdb.info/app/1314230/charts/ It was finished when the launched. 68 players max and one per day now. Big flop!
  9. Seriously wonder if Gato Games exists anymore *shrugging arms emoji* ….you know because the emojis don’t work and all…
  10. notice the definition is in present tense. One has to be actively developing to be called a developer. No one has been developing the game for a very long time now. Thus, there are no developers.
  11. Nothing was “fixed” these are just alternative methods for those who do not have notifications enabled on mobile devices or have multiple accounts on mobile devices. regardless, it was nice of you to provide the options!
  12. Well if the servers go down let’s try to remember all the joy the game brought us and not the disappointment of its slow failure.
  13. https://steamdb.info/app/1314230/charts/ I bet that 68 player total was overwhelming but probably manageable now that they have an average of 4 players a day. Laughing face emoji because emojis don’t work here…. Because they are busy with that 4 players a day….
  14. I think it can take a day or so to get the notification on your phone… assuming notifications are enabled
  15. Yeah I guess it has to be a lot of work keeping up with that. Do you know how many plays per day they average over there?
  16. Is there no more moderation in the forum? Has anyone had a post locked or deleted in the last two months?
  17. ¿Alguna vez compartiste tu contraseña o tienes una cuenta de Facebook?
  18. False. It is way too late to cook! next person is holding a cell phone
  19. Well you have to be terrible to cheat. It sets the precedent for bad players to do it because obviously no one will stop them.
  20. Stop being lazy. SM is an additive game with revue potential in a global market. it Has a timeless theme and can be enjoyed without major financial or time investment. stop being lazy. Any tweak to change meta will help the paying top ranks stay interested. Stop being lazy. Pick four metas and adjust them every quarter. Flip back to the item stats pre 2020 buff. any change will be welcome at this point. Stop being lazy. Advertising will bring new players. The game is literally free to play. Advertising can be exchanged for time slots and doesn’t have to be purchased. stop being lazy and ignoring the “community.” Satisfaction with a game is a temporary sensation and requires work to keep the fan base interested. stop being lazy and put in the hours to grow the base and the revenue potential. stop being lazy Or sell off the game to someone who needs the revenue and will work to unlock the potential. stop being lazy. It take less effort to try and appease critics than it does to silence them. stop being lazy. strive to be great and stop underachieving by accepting the bear minimum to let the game slowly burn out. stop being lazy.
  21. Feel like I haven’t seen Raul in months. Have you seen him this year at all?
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