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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. you need a range 1 weapon. otherwise dead to huggers make sure you get plenty heat cap and cooling to feed the frantics
  2. You like my editing? it'll take me years to actually get 1132 on 4 dices.
  3. too much vibrance for the mech in the middle. also a little too much vibrance. also turn down the brightness a little. (just for the mech) pretty good. what software you using?
  4. if you make an account with google account, it'll take off the watermark. (as long as the video isn't too complicated) also completely free
  5. found 2 legendaries while randomly opening boxes
  6. some days i get trash and other days i also get trash.
  7. your build looks fine. just make sure you get plenty of regen and cooling mods since archi suck at that. especially cooling to feed the frantic
  8. AftoKrator


    don't forget the matrix
  9. i remember you were building heat, right? and the last time (a few days ago) i saw you you were rank 12.
  10. well, last time that happened to me was like 2 months ago
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