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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Eevee

  1. good thing i never have enough tokens for this offer
  2. How about a drone that heals you, but also has backfire?
  3. Maybe if you use it from right next to the enemy, it knocks them back a space
  4. how about we put it under upgrading? also that last part of it seems unclear and only tells how many items to use for transforming from legendary to mythical
  5. does the information about transformation even belong on this page, under trivia?
  6. I mostly changed the spelling when it was different from actual in-game spelling, and capitalized the item names.
  7. There were numerous spelling errors and I corrected many of them. My new profile on the wiki is apparently PixelBeam.
  8. i think i got 2 epic, a legendary, and a superb one as well, after playing for a year or two
  9. These are held to be the best builds, see if you can find something you like there. You probably won't have all those items though because most are premium and hard to get. Are you new? I can give you a few other tips if you are.
  10. Eevee

    Counting to 10000

    101 and finally this thread started moving again
  11. So when I played, it was actually on my mom's phone, and by the time she finally felt like it took up too much time and phone memory and deleted it, she had mastery level shadow plants and all the f2p premiums of the time and was in jade league nearly every tournament.
  12. Anyways another quote. "The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules." -- Reckless Roger Piker, NPC in Champions Online
  13. Instant! Like what @LittleFox and I suggested!
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