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Killer gamer 22322

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Everything posted by Killer gamer 22322

  1. Fun fact: I ran out of facts cuz im late to this topic....
  2. Old forums: How about trading New forums: How about trading. A lot of forum members already explained why it doesnt work, but only a few understands. There is a thing called alts. If the idea isnt improvised, people could abuse the system and create a ton of alts and transfering their stuff to their main. Even though its improvised (like needs credits, or a limit) its still useless. It only slows down the abuse process.
  3. Physical monkey (Hollow spectrum armor) Is total trash. Heat and Energy monkey (Fractured heat armor and Rusty Energy Armor respectively) is better. Those three are called monkey or thanos torso since their look. Monkeys are good in lower ranks due to its high HP (Although heat and energy versions have more HP) But at higher ranks, they get worse and worse due to the lack of resistance. Anyways congrats lol
  4. Its based on RNG and Luck I think lol. You could get a jackpot (MPV/Mercy/spartan or anything) from a 75 token box or get a coca cola can from it. Or a Purifier from it. or a windigo... Basically anything lol
  5. My alt got its first mythical. And its also a windigo. Not maxed yet
  6. And why framing spots lol. Didnt anyone noticed it
  7. Ramboy hard for FB (I farmed that and got a decent amount of Fortune Boxes)
  8. Ofc the second one. first mech's energy sucks
  9. wdym. I need to find a windigo too. Update. I got a pumpkin
  10. Update. The mech dies to energy mechs and boiler mechs. And it cant really deal much damage. So I'm aiming for a Rock Recoiler. The account has 181 tokens right now and I havent get a pumpkin after farming 5 times...
  11. Update, idk how to remove quote in Android so it quoted Oki Doki's message... And, I got into a competition with my brother, so progress will be slower. Also, saving up tokens in dual frantic account.
  12. New update probably tomorrow. Nothing happened so far. A ton happening on my main tho...
  13. OK How about no melee weapons like sword, axe and hammers. And yes to drones I guess...
  14. In my opinion, just use the original upgrading system is fine. Also, I bet Alex wont even add it. If Alex adds it, I will stop uploading YT vids for 2 weeks lul. Also, did i mention, the game cant update. @Raulsaid smth like that.
  15. Level up to upgrade? sounds like a bad system for people who cant play all day.
  16. You just want to add tank mode into the game huh. How about, add a button, and when you press it, a totally different gamemode but you still can use your weapons not torsos in the game mode. and also new threads and bodies. Idk im stupid so stupid ideas are basically the only ideas your gonna hear from me.
  17. OK thanks. I just made the stone feet legendary today. Now at my first mech Today's update. Nothing happened expect a ton of BANSHEES popping out of packs...
  18. That only means one thing. I haven't logged into forums in a long time. Last time I remembered a ton of people hating frantics. Oh okay. I'm trying to max a massive stone feet atm
  19. Third mech part, I'm using it for 3v3 campaign although it don't actually work. Only reason it's at level 10, is because I might swap it with the first mech torso. The second part, I farm campaign a lot. Especially uncompleted side missions. Yes ik I'm maxing wrong torsos.. I just pulled a legendary one out so I'm just using it... Heat module? OK then. And thanks a lot.
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