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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. yeah i actually really would like this. we do need, however, a mutiny feature, where the clanmates can re-elect a clan leader. my clan leader (ruben) have been afk for almost 35 days. as the second in command (appointed by him) i'm in charge of clan recruiting, but i cannot recruit if i cannot kick/allow player in the clan, right? i really hope the devs consider this.(mutiny means the old clan leader is demoted but still in the clan) oh, and to make this jucier, you spend clan tokens to mutiny.
  2. holy crap they also took me 4 bosses farther in 3v3 than ive ever been plus i almost have enough to divine one of my items!!
  3. guys is it bad i i shared my acct info and they helped me by (idk how tf they did it) maxing my heat hammer when it was a level one myth this morning... i also have 400k gold XD
  4. ayy ppl give me a few minutes and ima post a prem pack opening im so close XD lol i started out with 69 tokens about an hour ago wow i got jack shit from it..... well, i guess its just legy food then
  5. lel @W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T they already deleted the post.
  6. gg. it was pretty close XD @That1Guy. what a coincidence tho XD
  7. yes i completely agree that does seem a little bit harsh. i feel like a 50-50 chance on normal, a 75 on hard, and a 100 on insane. that seems pretty even, right?
  8. well, ppl, it turns out i have braces for probably another month.
  9. what kind of drone is it? im currently checking WU for it. no i dont see anything...
  10. IRL flex: im getting my braces off in 3 hours.
  11. i would suggest that every 50 days we get a free prem pack, and once a year we get a bundle(100k gold, 50 arena tokent, 100 tokens, and 5 prem packs) as a yearly thing. it comes on the 1-year anniversary of your acct, and happens every year.
  12. i just saw a 670..... i only had -15 resist...
  13. just bought a prem box and got this (my second one):
  14. oh wow thats a lot of positive feedback. how do i make a poll? i want ppl to vote on this.
  15. alright ppl, this popped into my head a few moments ago: certain type item portals. for example, a portal that only drops energy weapons or heat weapons, a certain portal that drops only modules, another one that drops torsos/legs, and so on. do you think this is a good idea or no?
  16. of for friks sake guys i wasnt calling anyone a bully. im just saying if someone is unkind i an just shrug it off better than most people. now SHUT UP. this is a YT topic, not an accusatory topic.
  17. @Fyrestare that would be awesome. i just have to make an email and get it set up. i think ill start next weekend, where i have more freetime.
  18. @SawzAll quick thing: it is not a SM YT channel. it will have SOME SM, yes, but it is NOT a SM YT channel. @nightmarefreddy its fine, i deall with bullies at school, so im basically immune to shit like someone being salty. someone whos been bullied for 6 years can probably shrug things off easier than most other people.
  19. uhh.... is now a bad time to mention i fused a claw like, 4 days ago to myth my drone....
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