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Everything posted by MasterChief

  1. yeah this has never happened to me on any of my accts :V
  2. i like almost every post that i "like"
  3. did u just say night eagle isnt good anymore.... i spent 2 years trying to get one and finally got one and maxed it a week and a half ago
  4. true, true :V he is the only game dev rn :V
  5. actually, me being a commander signifies that i am a well liked person in this community who is VERY active. i currently have over 900 posts. besides, someone else already said this info. i was merely repeating it.
  6. 149, im lookin for something benign
  7. a new weapon will be a while. alex isnt planning on any new ones or any item portals for a while. im pretty sure hes the only person working on SM in gato :V
  8. 142, you look like something i scraped off my shoe
  9. 140, at least im not a shorty
  10. 138, everyone here is great :V
  11. ... no i mean like make it look WIDE as if you were looking at it from the front
  12. FALSE hes probably been playing longer than me and yet im better. im NOT a p2w player.(im obvs joking about him) next person thinks greed should be buffed
  13. i meant a little more 3-D aspects to it but really just the legs. otherwise, the torso looks great
  14. little too skinny. maybe ad a little thiccness otherwise, awesome
  15. probably :V whats ur ID? also, fyi, i wont be on discord for about another 2 months. wasnt banned, just personal stuff.
  16. nice! thats pretty good for google draw lemme quickly check my drive. if not ill post it in like, 5 minutes nah its not in there, ill brb file:///media/fuse/drivefs-1ef70e13eb95e0b845ab15fc6062c49a/root/22650 ignore the last one is it cool or what?
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