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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. It's not a bad mech but you should prioritize improving the torso and modules. You have a good mech but a mech of energy could make you counter
  2. cool. So, legs are cool. The issue is that you will lose a turn. Because the range 2 it is blind. Top weapon will be at range 4. Ok legs are cool but might have to jump for it. Players will exploit that. Sometimes will have to jump back losing the effect to use the axe. Hmm, combined modules will not provide cooling and regeneration just higher cap. Your mech it is a heat mech which overheat your own with those weapons and also require energy without top weapon. Will need to be mart to play with.
  3. WOW, that it is cool. Should be added to the game, legs weapons and torso. I have some tokens for it. nice Awesome. I want this one too.
  4. Большое спасибо Thank you, bro. I appreciate.
  5. Hi Pilots TODAY I AM CELEBRATING MY OKI DOKI 4TH BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OKI DOKI Four years ago, was born the Super Dupper Goffer OKI DOKI making your life and game a happy place to stay even with hackers around. Lets celebrate this amazing event in the history of SUPERMECHS The Legend the one and only OKI DOKI born to make you smile. CHEERS
  6. I see. maybe good reason why fights are lost with my kids fights that can win.
  7. Hmm, legacy account. Just depend on modules and weapon that I can't see properly. It does have blind spot. Will say around 5.
  8. maybe due to the crashes. I had few crashes testing a new set for the kids last week, but they say it has been happening every day. Players messing around the system or servers having issues. Hope this can be resolve because players will get upset.
  9. Will be good to know if server issue or guys around causing crashes. My kids told me that they have too many crashes practically every fight at least yesterday and today unable to get a complete fight for long. They play then game crash during the fight. Game has been crashing for few weeks. @Alexander Alex, can you please verify and if we have issues with the servers can you please let the community know with a proper notification in the forum? I will appreciate. Thank you Wally
  10. I think can be anything. Weapon, torso background, fights etc. just the old cool monster decoration with some candies around flying to destroy the opponent.
  11. yes, support might help out. Very strange. So, earning gold farming or from the base do not revert the issue? I mean, if you farm you earn gold and can go against the negative effect in the account.
  12. I really do not know. I hope someone can answer and provide
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