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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice. Well, it is possible to get the 3 accounts into 200 million. Been solo it is more manageable. Sure, you have a mech acc with advanced characteristics. I think you can use that one in a clan to earn some relics to help weapons but if you want to do like I do for fun, then is best to have them together. If you play TITAN, then will be harder to collect tickets. Will be hard to manage 3 accounts to increase the gold. You will need to farm them at least 4 times a day in full and time to time a pvp "not all week" but recommended. In my case, I miss a lot of pvp even weeks without a single day 5 wins. That cost 700k per week not earned and tokens miss. My account is developed at L250 and full arena shop items. That allow me to have max cap of 95 as the higher so far in the game for all players. Farming 4 times a day, is what make the account to progress. That provide mix boxes for level up and to make at least 2 myth parts per month if you are focus on steady gold increment and not using base to make power kits. You can make the parts and save 100 million in 4 months and if play enough then more but average at 4 round of farm per day 7 days will make it as I do. I use strictly mix boxes farmed to increase gold. Making power kits will drain gold fast and will have to balance in some weeks with mix boxes and holding back some weeks to recover. I will say that managing 2 accounts will be better. Working on 3 it is hard, and I know because I used to manage 8 and made them top rank R5+ and had to give away 6 to family. Those are fully free. Playing 2 accounts doing raid, titan, tickets, looking to win 5 wins "sometimes hard if not good mechs", farming, leveling up parts etc takes a lot of time. I know that it is the reason of the clan's name but just do not overwhelm yourself. We want you to stay around not burned. Sounds fun
  2. Only rich people or hackers or old special secret deals with Sarah etc old administration can have 1000. Those mortals like me can't have that. OKI DOKI O.D.FRAM
  3. Hi Pilots How are you? I am doing ok. I am at work break so I am taking this opportunity to update O.D.FARM progress because at home, I will have some work to do. I just finished a cup of coffee. It is not normal for me to drink coffee in the afternoon. Just one time in the morning driving to work. I was tired to drive far to work and now I am closer but not that close but proper distance. Yesterday was my day off and I was called many times to help fix some issues, so I was actually working like it or not. This week will be another week of pain but that is life until one of you can give me some million and I can retire. Anyway, let's talk about the game stuff. I have been just farming O.D.FARM but also a lot of misses. I have been attending OKI as primary and when I am tired, O.D. it is not touched unless my kids do something. No farming when I am tired but still going moving forward. I was able to reach 500 million and now is seating at 508 million from 453. Less than OKI for sure but regardless still in a steady progress. Happy to see that gold. I was not sure if I will reach that in this short time and was not my original goal. The BASE has not been touched to make parts as my OKI DOKI acc since 2022 trying to increase gold and max parts already at Myth L1. I still controlling mix boxes from grinding and are the exclusive parts to level up parts. When I reach 800+, then I drain making parts to until reach 500. I just recently was leveling up a part. I still have enough premium packs on reserves but an awesome bad luck to get parts. Very terrible to be honest. I am focused to make collection parts. I do not have good weapons that I need so I make slowly not in need parts but adding for lower rank and collection itself. I can't open premium because lack of space plus making general parts around having many legend parts to eat. I still play Titan when tickets allow not been that high. Just 300 tickets or bellow than that. Numbers still growing Nice, close to 60 packs. Please add something to use them Ok, let's see the parts! No changes on Myth part 308. I haven't made one just focus into finish those myth at L1. It will take few more months to get them. CHEERS
  4. Ha-ha. You have been around way longer than me and a pro already when I just opened the account. Let's kill rookie OKI. The favorite top player's sandbag for their testing. Let's tackle him for fun. Yeah, it is fun when people can play games and do it for that initial fun. I have not lost that reason why I still play as I do play when I can. Real entertainment. Is like the campaign to be completed. I can finish but I take my time or the BASE like you mentioned when you collected such valuable information lost in the old forum or this forum to have fun with players like you. Play the way I want because it does, please me in that way and makes me smile. I can't get frustrated because the essential idea for me is to play as things are. Sure, sometimes like in any game, disappointed let say if spend money and no get parts but that it is in the choice and in mean time, I can see the progress through the time reason of the thread thanks to you and your idea for me to join and crate that too. Funny when look back and people asking who asked me to join the forum and had to explain and you ended up confirming you were one of them. Years has passed but I do remember. How many times you killed me? Looks familiar.
  5. He is a top player for long and semi-retired a few years back and stayed at top clan for long. Top players can recognize him without issue, and he is my bud. You may contact between others @bumbum his clan might be good for you and will help in WAR having good power and how to do war. He is at top 10 for WAR. The players helped me out recently to see what it is there. Click there and take a look. I might join him too for temp time. Just waiting for my kid's decision today at night. I asked them but no answer so far. I missed to join my old clan with ACE because their indecisions and I can't force them because I do not pvp since 2022 except few times due to a test with new mechs config for R7 but they are the one that play pvp rarely during the week. I think I might get into a bit of war for relics again not getting anything in rank box and I played just a bit longer than a year in clans since I play so can say SOLO in OKI for 3 years since creation.
  6. No idea. I think I saw a video not long ago with Godmode. I am not Legacy player. Oh, I think Madao San or Alex videos of the starting game changes until the end of Legacy or individual fights. Ah, I found this one with our Cool Alex YT. Have fun. No stomp. I will search when have time. Hmm, I think our Dwightx got it. Pay attention around min 2:16-2:18min
  7. Hi Pilots How are you doing? I am fine. The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. Anyway, let's talk about game progress. The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves. Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth. Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. Someday I will use this My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. No getting luck with fortune boxes. I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. Let see parts! There is a total of MYTH/DIVINE=318 Legend=137 EPIC= 78 Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. There are more to go. The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. Current parts. CHEERS
  8. so just half weapon part and broken.
  9. cool. now is time to spend.
  10. sure. just we do not know what you do have around.
  11. New weapons are interesting. Selection of category code weapons decisions are a bit off. All of those weapons are useful depending on mech set ups as progressing at rank levels and also entertainment to play for fun. Few need a buff for sure. Some nerf mentioned also need buff.
  12. Hey, how do you know? Spy satellite I was trying to have fun with few drinks in my head.
  13. WOW, this is fast. Farming F.B.
  14. 2/28 Oh. Maybe the second time I see this hat since I play. Do not remember well. Maybe when I started. Where is my TACO SOMBRERO.
  15. Go my man. Show them
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