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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. yep, WTF with this few likes. Actually used to be 50 a day in the other. Should be open no restriction. If I want to give 100 or 500 it should happen.
  2. I will be adding some pictures from the old forum when I started in the forum last May so can continue the O.D. FARM progress as usual. Well, I will add some more tomorrow. I am tired today of lot of work.
  3. Well, according to Clever time ago he made a comment about certain weapons are hard to get with massive premium packs purchases like Heron, Terrorblade, Brightroar between few others if not wrong. In my case I am not like Clever who buy a lot. In my case I started as free player and I have the tendency to play in that way but few Items to get it is good if not luck. In my case FB's are just few granted and are rare no longer a legend. I do not have valiant and few others meta weapons around that everyone want in particular top players. My luck it is terrible so I do not spend much in boxes since the result it is bad. I got few items in the last summer Sarah offers to the forum and still in process of development or not been touched due to lack of gold. I got a single Spartan long ago and was set to make a Clever mech first set he did in the 3v3 but I had that before in my set playing at chat but never developed since had my 2 original mechs under development. That was back in March or so. I normally do not try to go to R1. I can reach R1 in 2V2 and 1V1 but not 3V3 but been close. In general I am in development and use just basic mechs to keep an R3 around nothing special for just the R3 box. If I try R1 I need more personal time to play for it. Even this season played as R2 in both accounts and had some opportunities to get it I was interrupted by calls at phone screwing me many times. Anyway, you are not the only one long term player waiting for items like Valiant.
  4. Even all season it is been test and giving freebies wins this mech works ok. Limited but still
  5. I meat them all the time. maybe I had meat around 35. Will love too sadly game do not allow.
  6. did you reported? How come system do not allow you to upgrade?
  7. Actually I started in 10/19 . About tokens, I save for purchases items normally but I can get tokens without issues. Not poor not rich but all pay off in life with good income plus investments. No debts in life is good. Check my O.D FARM acc. Will see few others tokens around
  8. Another insane video. You killed more than what I have as barely real weapon. seems you have a thing with him nice
  9. Reckless affect more to the HP but not resist. As I can see in your avatar you have overcharge and need to be so at list range 3 to jump back and need the room for it. You have Supreme cannon to push forward and you had the idea to use that push forward and jump back and to kill with reckless at distance if possible or one shot bunker. Night fall will cover your range 2 and your leg will be the pusher when they close to you. I see. If you do not have a proper drone then reckless won't be that good to use. when you are in low rank it is normal to have few more weapons. All of those weapons can be max. I do not see well the torso. Now, energy and heat are low. I had that issue with my 2 original mechs limited due to weight because I had to compensate lack of modules with weapons. The consideration of your weapons it is also the cost on heat and cooling. Night fall needs energy and heat up the mech. Easy to be heat up with heat attacker and easy to drain you with that energy and regen. You will over heat all the time with overcharge and supreme plus night fall and reckless cost some heat if I remember low but cost. The majority of your weapons will overheat you plus are energy dependable not overcharge. To move rank with current set up it is about ener/heat modules improvement. I know will suffer against phys but modules will help against the others 2.
  10. I used to use reckless bean as one of my primary weapon in my first mech. Even had Frantic I never trusted and reckless never failed me. Decent weapon to middle ranks but some on top ranks use it. Rare but still. I will say it is good till R5-R4 but still possibilities depending structures. Do not max weapon if do not know what for. I did because had nothing else in the past but worked great for me. Other players will always say it is trash.
  11. and where do u get the avatar @OKI DOKI? Search for Oregon cheerleaders. Many knows how to reach R1 but lack of weapons too. So it might that require to max out and proper modules
  12. It is about the pilot, mechs against you, position and who start the fight. You can have even incomplete mechs and be R1 as I have seen before. I reached R2 full star with my 2 first mechs incomplete and were mere R10 but took me too many wins and more than that the losses till game matched me with mechs I was able to defeat. This mech picture below doesn't look a menace but that mech kick butts and it is R1. The player it is a great player. I can do 3 of them if not wrong but he build in his way and likes and do great because he knows well his mech and how to use it. I was kill fast first time and of course then can kill it but gets me too because it is an smart player. My 2 mechs I know the purpose and why it was built in that way and are trash but used to reach ranks when are real dummy mechs. I used them till few months ago and played every season at R3 not trying to rank up easy to kill them. You do not need scope and can have different types of mech to reach R1. Just parts available and imagination for what the purpose you will like and get focus. The problem is lack of test. People do not think much as some here do and come with mechs from no were beating the odds. I test and do crazy mechs and in fights I play to get damage to asses mech and when I feel what can do then do more changes to the same looking for different modules or add or change something. My hard standard mech it is not good for R1. It is build for R4-R3. Now, against the Clever scope it is trash but I tested and tested against them and now can kill them time to time. It does require the idea to relearn your own mech function. I was getting beat each and every time then decreased same energy mechs. Energy mechs used to play against me like a toy now well it is different history for them. Do not copy others, just test whit what you have and learn about them. To be R1 it is determination and play smart. Those guys on top doesn't mean are unbeatable but they play smart and are good on it. Soviet might have the weapons but not realize are them to be a combo killer because play style preference.
  13. Proper Time administration. Look for the right moment to do things. I learn that from child working since the age of 5 and family are very happy.
  14. I get what you are saying but we cannot assume all of that it is a fact. I am 53 and play with children or family at home. I work 6-7 days a week as Engineer and have 10 years of University and still getting new learnings and no I do not have much time. I do accounts for fun and distraction and family fun. Sure I know what you mean.
  15. Hi pilots; This is the OKI DOKI FARM thread progress to continue the original from the recent now old forum. I will be collecting info from the old and will add some of the old progress in this one but as first I will intro the current status of O.D. O.D. FARM still in his O.D. FARM solo clan MECH CHUNKS FARM. Later or soon will join a clan that make sense for it and progress divine with future relics. It is doing awesome in clan position. Position 1 nah, much better 8,158 My current test mech in use with module changes in 1V1 season Current position. Just doing test positions at fights not been in real full combat in serious way. Today reached the 100 myth in 11 months of acc birthday. Posting just myth parts around. Later updates in the full account. Lot of hard work to be there. No changes in the base CHEERS
  16. I am hybrid mech lover. Suit best for me because it is funnier. I can do good ones but I am focus to make parts around. My fun it is not to build perfect mechs, just fun making parts and do ridiculous mechs. Everyone play the game in their desire for their particular fun maybe for perfect mechs, be R1 or the best of the best and get medals. Not me. I play for fun but I can be a serious player and get into the arena against real top players and win but it is not my style in this game. I like have friends with all players regardless clans or particular desire in the game. I respect what they want to accomplish and have fun with them in forum, chat or pvp. No problem to be R1 if I want to fight for it. To be R1 require better set or enhanced but also less test as I do during my fights but are capable to reach the rank as current format. I do not get much time to be focus player for it but I am building not for now but for later. No rush but will get there without stress or rush because a clan want this or that or else. I play my game as I really want and I am in a clan that accepted me in those ways and match with my normal play. They are hard worker and I do my part as expectation but those are my basic so all match.
  17. all in the right time. No rush. Game changes are all over. Upgrading takes time. Doing mythical parts are faster than L50 one part. Keeping inventory it is better. It does perfect for me. Sure I do not need all of this as example but I do not know what I will end up making. So I still keep proper balance for possible 3 mechs in different desire to be made. Maybe 3 mechs using 2 EMP or 3 mechs using 3 heat bombs etc. The other good reason it is to have inventory for testing. I test all the time different ways in weight etc with them and possible use of modules with them. Healthy stash is for me for my fun. Sure no need that space and meat but I prefer funny stuff to make and enjoy in different ways. Sure, I consume them all the time when I get more of them. Today I finished 7 legends, and myth 4 parts in OD. FARM. Those L30 epics picture above are gone. Time to get more epics and L30.
  18. yup, real age number. I am Engineer in real life busy working with high tech machines fixing them. Let say I in real life work with real robots parts. I am on break right now almost done so I play a bit in my breaks few pvp since I work long hours a day 6-7 days a week. No much time for me so I look for the right moment in day or night to squeeze some minutes in the game doing pvp. The rest I can look in the side time to time to click for farm or read a post but since work it is really focus and any mistake cost millions so pvp it is impossible in that way but yes can farm all day long clicking here and there.
  19. you are around 14. I am 53 and can be grand father not just uncle.
  20. go to this post and check items changed
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