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Everything posted by OKI DOKI


    Second mech

    yes. It is basic and good choice when limitations are around. At lower ranks malice can be good and also with the proper parts can be use on high rank making the part in the long run not a waste.
  2. Well, a common mistake to rush everything players normally end up eating their own limited parts instead to create them. Typical mistakes trying to rank up. The good part it is that Flamminator can be obtained with regular farming at common, rare and epic grants. Just pay attention when farm and before level up parts. About the modules available in your account, you did a good job in the current set up. Just focus into max the modules. You need to understand that you need to balance power vs modules status for balance. Pushing too hard on HP it will set you up with higher HP opponents and by default, all will be harder for you because modules limitations. Focus on maxing modules. For transformations, use crappie epics parts and make them too if necessary. I used to make rare parts or epic parts in order to make legends for meat. Do not use what you have available for combat as your former flaminator. Sadly, the hard part it is grinding dedication.
  3. First you need to show your entire inventory. Without it, players can't tell you what you can do with current parts at disposition. Sure, so far, your modules set up are logical and decent according to your limitations. You can add a Flamminator because it is easy to get at common or rare options as starting point.

    Second mech

    Sorry, I can't replicate in full using lower parts or torso max out. Just looking at the numbers, you mech cooling and regen will be terrible. Your cap will be decent in some way. The set up still have some room to add an extra weapon maybe one resist drainer. Your mech it is a classic mech for free to play starting points. It will be limited for lower ranks, and I will say will get stuck on R10 or lower in today arena condition. At R10 it is hard to win with that mech. The Nightmare torso, been the basic torso to start the game, it is not a wasted gold instead a good investment. Easy to get and can be used to R1 set ups. Some top players and I mean top 10 players indicate that Nightmare it is the best torso around. Windigo it is another option to use as second mech without premium part, if not available then make another Nightmare if not luck. If you don't get Windigo and get Naga, you can also max Naga been close to a Windigo mirror and also easy to replace Naga if you get a Vest because only 1kg on weight apart avoiding having to change your set up. At EPIC level Nightmare vs Windigo 1-Nightmare weight it is less but less Hit Point 2- Easy to get because start as common part 3- A bit less on regen and energy grant 4- All resists are equal 5- Cooling a little less. 1- Windigo it is harder to get been an EPIC starting point and sometimes very hard to get like in my accounts. 2- People use more because a tiny bit better on cooling and regen but it is heavier. With Nightmare you can compensate that weakness due to weight is less. Easier to set up windigo in some ways. Just use what you have in hands between those two. For Naga EPIC it is use more on Energy mechs or even phys mech due to energy base. Resist it is as windigo and Nightmare. It is not a waste. Sure, people use more VEST because resist attributes and easier to assemble.
  5. It is not bad but sadly due to attack limitations, I will recommend removing the resist drainers. The reason it is because you have recoil range 1-2, corrupt light 3-6 and savagery 4-8. For the range 3-6 you will have a blind spot unable to do dual attack. No just that, the drone after 3 uses will go home and will have to be call back taking one attack away. So, you can't go for resist drain mech for now but just to try to overheat a bit with limitations. As they indicated, you might have to add the flaminator to add 3-6 dual attack at that range. Savagery will be in use on 4-8 and can use 4-6 attack combined with flaminator or corrupt. Corrupt and savagery can work together in that range for faster overheat than flaminator but will help against not to overheat your mech and help against heat mechs. This is just using the current module set up not changes. In a side note, you have a torso and leg now that you can use with those 2 frantic and rockrecoil with tonto. That might help to move up faster in some ways but will have to develop them. Things to consider it is the lack of modules to support a heat mech. You need to get focus on that because as higher power on your weapons, the consumption will increase so work on your modules.
  6. In order to advance in the game, I am providing the best technics to advance. Ton of choices. 1- Buy every game offer. Open your wallet and support the game spending. 2- Buy tokens Open your wallet and support the game spending. 3- Buy Gold Open your wallet and support the game spending. 4- Buy Premium Packs Open your wallet and support the game spending. 5- Buy Premium Account Open your wallet and support the game spending. 6- Buy all paints Open your wallet and support the game spending. 7- Make sure your dad pays for it than you. Force daddy to pay. Do not cheat. I hope this can help a lot.
  7. some players sometimes max only 1 item been new in the game and inflict damage. I knew few guys that started with me and had issues to get parts and maxed one with barely capabilities on modules etc but the damage at their ranks was a lot. I was killed and killed and killed. Sure, I can see ranks 15 a bunch of abusers or even below. There are abusers till rank4 just for say as normal thing. The only way I got away from it was farming and farming and farming and pushing to R10. Then R10 was the bottle neck because everyone in some ways is fully maxed with MYTH parts at L50 with modules limitations but powerful. Those guys compete against natural R10 trying to cross to R9 or R8 and it is really hard because the match maker match then time to time against R7-R6 players because not enough players at the time. If I am not wrong, someone told me long ago when I was new less than a year, that at some point the top players were a bit angry waiting to get matched because their accounts were restricted to their rank levels. I think that was for the R3-R1. I really do not remember well but something like that happens. Sure, they can restrict some weapons at some ranks. Now, that does not mean that the players are fully abusing but just happen naturally they maxed a weapon and they got stuck for some time like that. I was stuck with 1 weapon for some time too in my beginning not abusing but it was what I was able to do as free player. Now, pictures showed previously around, I know that those peoples are abusing. They do not test but they abuse just to abuse or to get wins.
  8. I wonder if we can get SM new legs. Instead of Rolling Beasts or Sparked Runner we can have Scooter 4Runner for heat version. Weight= 109kg Heat Damage 169-249 2 Knockback Heat Point 259 Range 1 4 Walking Another amazing OKI Idea.
  9. hope can get something good. my last was common option. I was like go go go there is there is and then do not fall like me or lose hopes.
  10. I like to talk to myself in the chat
  11. WOW, NAGA still kicking butts. I am proud of my first torso maxed and abused onetime after another but took me to R2.
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