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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 3:36 AM, supermechupdateyourgamepls said:

    you should never underestimated this build cuz i am able to solo od8 with this build with only iron plating instead of platinum plating
    its capable of soloing the entire map with only 1-2 health pack(you need to play it urself if u only have 1 health pack)
    it may be not as fast as physical mech but i swear i have never lose any od8 since i built this mech(only if im unlucky and got no health pack)

    btw it is insane od8


    Image result for Dang Emoji

  2. 14 hours ago, Hellfire Armo said:

    the black one would be easily the best the flame one looks cool ngl real question


                                                   \               /\            /

                                                      \         /      \      /

                                                           \/             \/

            Will it come?



    light blue and dark blue would be cool


    will be cool

  3. 15 hours ago, Darkoo said:

    I was wondering when do special Quests arrive and what is the gap between two of them. Since i have always screenshoted when there is a special quest, and i have logged in everyday for the past few months that's what i found. Last special quest was yesterday 25 may, and the special quest before was 13 april. So i think now we know that there is about a month or so between Special Quests



    it is random but yes is close to monthly maybe longer. Before was nice to know. 

  4. 12 hours ago, 911 said:

    I used to play in 2016, from my memory. KillinSM was the best,Burn Baby Burn also was op Killin had heat mech with lava axe God mode and 2 lava spray


    killinSM. I know there is a Killin around. Maybe the same? 

    Burn Baby Burn was op till semi or retired. He still can kick butts around. I was kicked too many times by him. 🤡

  5. 5 hours ago, NikitosPavarot said:

    Should i try to make smth related to this heat build? I feel like if i will build it and fight in arena rank 18 im gonna bully electric / electric hybrids.


    it can work a little. mostly can get stuck because can't jump. sure, can-do double snipe attack and just tested and others attacks but can get stuck often. charge is important together with magma and legs. I did like 10 tests in arena and quit. harder for rank up but can manage some 



    drone changed and side flame weapon not available but same type and configuration the same. Just played to lose but can be better. just checking what can do in different ways.  

  6. 53 minutes ago, Rarmaster said:

    I currently hover around rank 13 with getting to rank 12 being possible. But yeah like you said my first mech is lacking resistance, though the 51 weight of the epic triple resistance module is just not worth. Right now I'm trying to focus on completing the 2v2 campaign in hard and insane but struggling since both 2nd and 3rd mechs are bad. Thanks for the suggestion, i'll just have to save up for offer with good modules to improve.

    Looks like a great build, I'll give it a shot. 👌

    it is ok build. 

    Also, bumbum is right. 

    For the campaign, if you are working in your hard and insane mode 2v2, you can pass some stages but then will struggle. When you lose one time the attack in campaign, you can try a second time and if was too difficult or lose again, you have to stop and not waste more fuel trying. 

    Now you know where you stand on power and need to refocus in regular grinding. If you are capable to grind 1V1 OD6, today is a day to get good gold, mix boxes and to increase XP. Do not waste trying campaign having already some difficulty. 

    Focus to use the best parts in your primary mech you would like to use as primary. Do not spread out too much. 

    It is very hard to max many parts you are working on, and I am a real grinder. It is tuff to max a part. You have the modules way to low. 

    Refocus in your best mech set then remaining second best parts on your second mech. The 3er can be use just to have something for war without investments. 

    Yes, even though, you need resistance using molten for extra shield even it is not the premium. Balance resistance with energy and heat caps to mid-point 

  7. 37 minutes ago, TheLeech said:

    Not really replying to this in specific but i have been doing alot of progress, i managed to get two MPV, and like 17 more good-decent premium weapons torsos etc, im close to finishing my new energy mech wich is more useful than the heat even not fully completed, i have also 2 rail guns, wish the second was solar torch but eh, im doing way better than before with the 2 MPV and the energy one aswell, im level 182 and im getting rank 9-10 pretty easily


    Screenshot_20240526_161159_Super Mechs.jpg

    Screenshot_20240526_161248_Super Mechs.jpg

    Screenshot_20240526_161259_Super Mechs.jpg

    Screenshot_20240526_161303_Super Mechs.jpg

    oops forgot a screenshot

    Screenshot_20240526_161255_Super Mechs.jpg

    that account is getting more powerful by the day. Awesome work.  👍


  8. 9 hours ago, Pavel_worldoftanks said:

    As a beginner, I can't fight in the arena, on the screenshot you can see that the opponent is strong, he has weak legs and torso. And the weapon is strong, and I don't understand how to fight with them, please help


    It will keep happening until administration take this seriously. This is not new. When I started back in 2019, it was the same. Hard to pass. Just try what can and focus on grinding. 

    As side note, change torso to use nightmare. That torso it is meat and won't progress. Do not upgrade. 

    image.png.231c8cdd96b13e6b0462fda0a4637a98.pngThis part comes as common and rare, but it is a torso that can be use at top. You can get the torso just grinding really easy to get. 



  9. 2 hours ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    I Remember this  predicament of  recruiting for top clan 

    I recommend this clan it  is my favourite clan Xd


    Yes. you know well how hard it is to have responsible people and to have them steady not jumping around like goats. I really hate that. 

  10. Hi Pilots

    How are you doing?

    I am fine but tired seating here in my comp chair changing positions every 10min. 

    The weather is getting better and there were days hot and clear sky and now temp it is 59 F and I like that to sleep better. 

    I hope all is going well to all of you. 


    About the game...

    I was able to increase OKI gold reserve from 522 million finally to 600 million according to my last full update back in March. I am very happy to see that number never planned. Looks ok for my preparation to be ready for premium packs openings. I reached that number yesterday 5/26/24.


    My son and daughter, finally decided to join a clan for war relics. They were holding into join clans because they play other games and have fun with friends etc and playing my accounts takes their time away. They play during the week just few times as normal and time to time full week or just more days but not full. I can't predict if they will play or not, but something is something. I keep doing the farm and titan and they play raid and pvp now will do war. 

    I want to thank Thunderdome Clan for accepting OKI in their clan. 



    The BASE still not in use since 2022 except to collect gold. 


    Mix boxes always in a good spot with nice grinding. 


    As I mentioned, I am currently working into increase premium packs to 1k by the end of the year and has been increasing with an offer every month. Also, I decided to get some eggs and consumed few of them and reserved some others for the opening. The packs moved from 765 back in March and now 884 with 41 eggs to crack. 



    Silver coins increased some due to offers. The account pvp it is not played every day. 


    The Clan coins still increasing related to some offers and Titan fights. 



    Current parts available

    MYTH/DIVINE L50= 327    Previously 318. Just an increase of 9 parts since March. Slow progress increasing gold. 

    Legends= 130 including power kits. Previously 137. Decreasing as planned and more to go. 

    EPICS= 78   The same as previously. 

    Let's see them



    Ah, my first Clan war reward image.png.9cc4fc299283ceb270063c017c810cdb.pngwith Thunderdome. 



  11. 6 hours ago, bumbum said:


    Thunderdome is currently looking for active members, we are missing 2 or more members due to personal businesses. We are currently accepting rank 7 or higher to join, or if you're close to rank 7 (rank 8 or 9) you can message me in here to join. 

    We are now at rank 10 - 5 in leaderboard and doing pretty good in clan wars. Again, if you are looking for a clan, you can ask me in here, I will try to lower the requirements.

    OK, I can add O.DFARM since my son will go for war relics. 

    They are not that super active and will not play every day. Some weeks they play 1 day or two 5 wins and sometimes more days per mood. They commit as usual on basics. They will do war and some wins when can. I collect the tickets because I farm all day and there are no issues on that collection and attack titan since I do it always unless a work thing prevents that. I can't compromise I will cover wins on my side. 


  12. 1 hour ago, gRedsz said:

    good job bro

    1 billion in no time

    Hmm, I do not think I will go there. I might go to 750 by the end of December because I will need gold to max parts when I open 1k packs. I need to be ready with space and many L40 parts to drain meat accumulation. I will run out of space fast. 

  13. On 5/23/2024 at 8:56 AM, Rossonero said:

    Yes, I have finally reached level 250. Yay! 

    Wonder if 235 days to achieve that would make top 100 ever, probably best to ask OKI DOKI, he knows everything 😉


    1 of 3 goals ticked off! Second one is to finish all the missions - doable soon. Third one - to claim to top 3 arena rank - impossible I think. 

    I've got the gold, power kits but the items dropping from all premium pack offers are sh**e. Stopped buying them, not worth the money unless you want to use epic items to upgrade power kits, which I've done more than 1000 times😒


    Anyway, let me know If I could reach top 100 with my 235 days. 


    Yes, I guess. You are one of the faster farmers around at least identified. Maybe many never post around and were or are very fast. Now, if was farming legal yes. I did not miss a single day farming and farmed close to 24hrs and I still farming. You can be in the 20 but for sure in the just for say exclusive fast farmer. 

    Sure, you need to post the date of your account creation till the date reached. I posted mine

    image.png.07d0ea13bde11badb5ae94a3904c70c6.png In that picture I was rank 9 playing for 187 days and created 10/3/2019  



    1 of 3 goals ticked off! Second one is to finish all the missions - doable soon. Third one - to claim to top 3 arena rank - impossible I think. 

    cool. push for it. Not impossible. 


    I feel your pain with the premium boxes. 😣




    On 5/24/2024 at 4:48 AM, gRedsz said:

    W for farming

    yes, you can farm fast. just need timing and strategy. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Rarmaster said:

    Just read the whole entire thread lmao. It's so interesting to see all the progress documented. You really on the grind, doing a great job as well. Patient with the tokens unlike me 😂. I spent my 1k on 6 premium boxes and got decent amount of meat. Also I saw that about 10 days ago you were looking for a clan that does war, me and my brother's clan is Tech T3rror, it's currently full but not all of the players are active so we will kick some to make some free room. Let me know if you would like to join. Keep grindin' 💪

    yes, he is. He has done many things around. 

    cool to have him back as used to be. 👍

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