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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice. Hmm, the character it is similar to a player and part of the forum. Nice
  2. That was funny. Congrats in your 20k subs. Hope you get a lot more. Cool intro with the car and skeletons. Welcome to my life reality been an adult. Play time is over. Well, I see my generation and younger playing at work other games. Next challenge increase account level to L250. Salud/Cheers
  3. Hi Awesome Pilots How are you? I am fine but busy at work even today I left few minutes early. Normally I am at work at this our 8:00pm local time. My kids are back to school and getting their first set of school exams. I remember those days and I hate them for sure and I was thinking I will get away from them and suddenly ended up facing life reality and I have to keep taken them at work. I remember when I was a little kid and older people where like they knew everything and were responsible in life. As age passed from respect to them when I was 0-5 om age, then I started to question my own parents. Later I realized that adults are just as kids with just old skin. I have to deal with the same thing as an adult at work or around as I was dealing with the same aptitudes from my own kid time friends at school or elsewhere. At least I had my parents providing me food and roof. Anyway, is like the SM daily DRAMA. I hope all of you are doing well. Back to the game.... I was able to increase the account to 400 million in gold reserve. Sadly, I have to work and max out many parts currently at MYTH L1 and will take the rest of the year to complete them or even maybe till January next year looking at the speed I have been working farming. Right now, I am focused into increase a bit more gold in reserve in order I can use the BASE and start to craft some power kids to level up parts a bit faster. In mean time I use daily only to level up parts. Right now, I have MYTH/DIVINE= 302 No change since last post. Legendary= 240 EPIC=41 Gold is moving up. The BASE still idle for very long but in a few weeks will be in use for Power Kits. Mix Boxes still somewhat ok controlling the amount availability to not go below 500. Clan coins still growing very slow not been part of a clan. Let see the parts. Well, a lot of meat for parts but..... CHEERS
  4. If I am not wrong, that old Legacy shields do not work in reloaded. At least I haven't seen in this game since I play. Sure, I have seen old repulsers and dual hook plus few other weapons torsos and legs.
  5. it is red, blue or yellow the basic colors for SM type of weapons. Marija creates competitions time to time based on types of weapons as physical competition, heat competition and energy competition like now Halloween who knows Christmas or USA Thanksgiving Day just for saying.
  6. J.Play every day you can evolve faster.... Also evolve the Baser to level 15 to unleash "Power Unit"
  7. Yes. I hate to see the L250. I did my L250 IN 9 AND 3 WEEKS FOR OKI AND 8 MONTHS FLAT FOR O.D.FARM back in 2020. Since then, I have requested to increase to 500-1000 and I can be at 700-800 maybe more. About gold, will be the same as it is now maxing parts. Limited play.
  8. nice, can be added for the heat competition when is open.
  9. OKI DOKI- I still focused into finishing the remaining MYTH parts on L1 and max them. Closing the gap to finish them next month. Increasing more gold reserve to be ready and divine some parts after finishing maxing the parts. The storage unit it is one of my original parts never finished and finally I finished. O.D.FARM- Finishing to max out MYTH L1 around. Too many to finish. But will progress a bit faster now post reaching 400 million in gold reserves. Still increasing reserve in order, I can use BASE power kits to push faster parts level up. It will take till next year just as a guess. It can be faster depending how I can use properly the 100% fuel and 50% gold days. Will see. I do not have much time. I hope my kids play something time to time at least 5 wins some days a week. Progress still going. CHEERS
  10. Remove the Hammer or recoil but also the falcon. Some of the reasons: 1- Falcon TO BE REMOVE a- The weapon it does work for one range and consume your HP b- Your mech is currently low in HP and using the weapon will drain the little life does poses. c- That weight can be used to enhance your modules. d- The torso it is a low HP torso and require adding plating more than others reducing modules use for ener/heat. e- Your modules are low in regeneration and cooling to use that weapon specially limited to one range. 2- Removal by preference or choice by you of Hammer or Recoil a- Recoiler it does cover the Hammer range. No matter what, hammer help when just face to face mechs then use top gun then use dual energy attack next turn if opponent do not get closer and will stay in just one attack and jump. The recoil might help better sometime at range 2 and can use top gun. b-Hammer can work too but more limited for now. I recommend removing hammer and use the extra weight for modules use. 3- If you decide to remove those weapons, then use the shield module not in use. 4- Max the modules to Legend L40 to improve. Your energy regeneration and heat cooling are very low. a- Having an energy mech, it does consume energy to work. If you cannot recover fast, then you are doom. b- Using energy parts, also create overheat to your mech. You need to ensure that you can recover heat and energy enhancing those modules as soon as possible. 5- There are more factors that affect but it is what do you have around for parts then things can be different like having smart EMP, Last words etc. Oh, another issue is moving up in HP. As you increase HP or enhance weapons and modules, harder the opponents will be around including the smurf players. The game will compensate against your increment giving you opponents with 100-200 HP above you not that equal.
  11. nice manual work. Add this in the Halloween thread. click there
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