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Blog Comments posted by Jesper

  1. 4 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Existuje niekoľko potenciálnych problémov:

    1) Stále by ste museli niekomu zaplatiť, aby sa stal generálnym riaditeľom / finančným riaditeľom, aj keď si hru kúpili všetci. Napríklad Fender Musical Instruments je tiež vo vlastníctve zamestnancov a má výkonný tím .

    2) Potrebovali by ste hráčov s dostatočnou hotovosťou na odkúpenie akcií a toto. Myslím, že takýchto typov je málo.

    3) Potrebovali by ste, aby hráči pochopili, že nákup akcií a účasť v programe zamestnaneckého vlastníctva NEZNAMENÁ, že dostanú žetóny alebo iné výhody v hre okrem kozmetiky. Pretože ak do toho každý príde s prístupom oprávnenia, každý sa bude len živiť spoločnosťou, kým nezomrie.

    4) Potom by ste museli zorganizovať nejaké úsilie a najať programátorov, ktorí sú dôveryhodní. Bavte sa s tým. Akčný skript (Flash) v podstate vymrel.

    5) Najprv by ste museli odkúpiť akcie spoločnosti a potom presunúť spoločnosť do zamestnaneckého vlastníctva. To sa nestane len tak zo dňa na deň.

    6) Mali by ste to urobiť skôr, než sa o tom dozvie skutočný vlastník hry (nápoveda, nie Alex) a zloží spoločnosť. Nikdy sme sa nestretli s touto osobou: čo ak sa nechce vzdať SM ?

    7) Musí to byť medzinárodná spoločnosť.

    😎 Všetci by ste museli byť zamestnancami, aby to bolo vlastnené zamestnancami. Myslím, že to, čo myslíš, je vlastnenie hráča.

    9) Potrebovali by ste nejaké kritériá na to, kto môže vlastniť akcie hráča a ich podmienky. Napríklad by bolo rozumné uviesť, že všetci tí, ktorí vlastnia akcie, môžu hlasovať o záležitostiach spoločnosti, a tiež by ste pravdepodobne chceli uviesť, že tí, ktorí nehlasujú 3 po sebe idúce štvrťroky, budú prepustení a ich akcie budú vrátené.

    10) Potrebovali by ste víziu, kam táto hra smeruje. A budem k vám úplne úprimný, kde táto hra musí ísť, je SM3. (SM1 je starý a SM2 je aktuálne reloadovaný.) A bavte sa pri pokuse o to, aby sa všetci zhodli na tom, kam táto hra smeruje. Bolo dosť ťažké prinútiť bilančný tím, aby sa na čomkoľvek dohodol.

    A bez urážky, ale aj vzhľadom na „tradíciu“ univerza SM (ktorá takmer neexistuje), si nemyslím, že by SM3 malo zahŕňať ŽIADNY z konceptov v našej súčasnej hre. Povedal by som, že hľadajte mimo hry iné koncepčné hry a použite niektoré z ich všeobecných princípov. Mohol by som ľahko vymenovať viac ako 20 nápadov, ako opraviť SM , pokiaľ ide o celkovú hrateľnosť, ale nechcem „ukázať ruku“, pretože ak tu svoje nápady vysypem, niekto by ich mohol jednoducho ukradnúť a vytvoriť SM3 bezo mňa.

    Namiesto toho by som chcel toto: ak mi niekto môže dať počiatočný investičný kapitál vo výške 1 miliardy USD, môžem odkúpiť meno a potom vytvoriť hru, ktorá bude oveľa úspešnejšia a lukratívnejšia. Potreboval by som však tento počiatočný investičný kapitál, aby som sa dal do pohybu. A tiež by som poukázal na to, že spôsob, akým by som opravil SM , by bol úplne znovuobjaviť hru.

    Takže moja rada (ospravedlňujem sa za nekro-odpovedanie) je len si to užiť, kým sa to nezloží. Hru stále odporúčam rodičom s deťmi. Ale žiadna hra netrvá večne a už vôbec nie SM . Nehovorím, že SM umiera natoľko, ako hovorím, že SM nie je večné.

    A billion USD is a lot. A much smaller amount would get you moving. Well, at least my person for sure. I know quite a bit about the background of SM. As for buying the game, basically I wouldn't buy it as a gamer, but as a private person. Alexander would work for me as a programmer. He knows the game so he is an obvious choice. As for upgrading the game. No new SM would take place. But adjustments would be made regularly to weapons, torsos, etc. Not once in 2-5 years. Discord and forum would be taken as a suggestion, I give him an order and he does it. Subsequently, an additional buff or nerf will be made. But he will also work hard on what is visible and what the community demands. If not, someone else will... 🤷‍♂️

  2. 55 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    do not know. for sure need some small adds like L250 open to 1000 to have more progress and every 50 or 75 levels a nice grant of weapon or pick item in need. It was my thing and for 2 years waiting and is boring. use of silver coins options enhancing something else in the factory etc or exchange for gold relics or anything come to players mind that add sense. Sure, we need now to go back to portal and start to release few weapons I will say by October or so been 2 years. For pay to win, let's start to sale some items as before good weapons and of course some in the mid-range for starters low tokens. Few more tokens for starters so can motivate them to push. Also, there is low motivation with the top players and lower participation on the game. I can see that on my acc and is a lot lower of what I can see when I started.  Game is fine but need few things to make players a bit happier but also it is a business so no perfect world. 🤔🤷‍♂️🙂

    So decide C) or D) 🤣😂


    I more or less agree with what you wrote. How about we suggest to Alexander that we buy the game. And finally, something will start to be done about it. We can buy the game outright and pay someone to work on it. Or we will pay GATO and Alexander will work for us. I think he's a pretty good programmer, but he needs a firm hand over him. So that instead of writing and watching anime, he also works... 😛

  3. On 5/18/2021 at 3:18 PM, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    It so happens that Tactic-Gato's strategy remains the same. The strategy is to have a lot of junk legy's to decrease the chances of getting VIP items. That way they can sell more. It's a way for people to buy more. They always put a player in the showcase, like a fish in a fish tank with a meta-build for all to see. If the player is not very good they give him some extra advantages so that he wins and stays up and well visible. Sometimes the player isn't aware that they are using him, as they did with Rising and Canopy and other times the player-fish lends himself to the circus, as they are doing with CleverName. And then everyone wants to have the same thing that that one has and the one who can buy and buy. Whoever refuses to be fooled is condemned. If the meta is phys and you insist on playing with heat or energy, you're screwed (at least for a while).

    Si...The strategy is to generate the need to buy to obtain the fashion item and then admins fill the boxes with dead items, so that the VIP item is more difficult to obtain. Nothing new, nobody has invented anything here. Now, the players who have been in the game for a few years, we already know that this is the case. It is crap, but they have always done it and in some way we have naturalized it.

    What isn't understood is why they made promises that were not kept. There was no need to tell people that updates would be made in February, creating a false expectation. An impulsive and totally irrational attitude.

    I noticed that too. It will probably be due to the fact that at that time everyone or almost everyone still trusted what Alexander wrote. Now, with hindsight, it is obvious that he made it up and said total bullshit. Maybe he's having a good time because he said in February but didn't say what year... 🤣

    During that time, we understood that Battle Dawn and everything GATO was working on would either never be completed or would take an infinite amount of time to complete. Therefore, the question arises, what does Alexander actually live on? It certainly won't be from SM. So he only has SM as a hobby, which he enjoys, because of writing with children. He naively thinks that this is the real community. He also naively thinks that writing with Alexander is what the community needs. But when someone is "almighty", he succumbs to this self-delusion.

    I wanted to write for people to vote:

    When will we get an upgrade?

    A) this year

    B) in 2023

    C) concurrently with the Battle Dawn upgrade (around 2094)

    D) this game is timeless and does not need to be modified

    But then I thought it was pointless… 🖖

  4. 6 hours ago, LittleFox said:

    počkaj, teraz som nemal, aby supermechi mali pre majiteľa zisk, myslel som si, že je to mŕtva hra, príliš mŕtvy na to, aby som si ju chcel kúpiť

    ach smutné pre veteránov

    Takže stále platí veľa hráčov SM ?

    There are still enough paying players. I would not buy this game in my product portfolio. Not because it's a bad game or because it doesn't have perspective. But because it is leaky and has so many bugs, it is impossible to service it. Tacticsoft (read Michael) had known this for a long time and let her go with her own inertia. The last thing was to make a game plan for the year until it finds a buyer and the whole sale takes place. Managed to. I'm sure even Alexander didn't know what he was doing.

    I look forward to more events awaiting this game. I hope it's not just about Alexander showing that his kung fu is better than hackers. But that will be about balancing the whole game. 😉


    1 hour ago, LittleFox said:

    Who is kong? king kong? donkey kong?

    Kong is short name for Kongregate. Many old players had accounts on Kongregate. They made this game a reputation. When it comes to money, these players have been investing nothing or very little in the game for a long time. So they are an important asset for the game because they have valuable knowledge. From a business point of view, they are unnecessary because they do not generate profit. Transferring accounts from kong to sm.com is easy but laborious. Gato is still growing with new members, but I don't expect their job to be just that ... So I wrote RIP KONG for it. It's a big loss. Such veterans will grow for a long time.


    1 hour ago, LittleFox said:

    you know it took me more than 3 weeks to get the base disabled. Gato would not buy a game to do nothing. But i guess you didn't like this game that much as you run away at the first opportunity that shows up.

    Gato is always trying to convince everyone that he is here for the community and not for profit. This statement is very controversial, because I also think that when I go to invest in something, I want to make a profit or profit from it. So if ALexander is not a billionaire who doesn't know what to do with money and MAINLY with his free time then he has a plan, a plan that has long-term goals.

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