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    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Bumbum's Junkyard   
    ready to kill. weapon in store. Get fast until last
  2. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in 🦾 Art competition - physical weapon edition! 🦾   
    Awesome work and hopping those ideas come soon to the game. 👍
    Thx for the hard work. 🙃
  3. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Marija in 🦾 Art competition - physical weapon edition! 🦾   
    The staff team voted, discussed and we came to a decision! It was a very tight vote with pretty much a few points differences between the top 3, and here they are: 
    1st - @bumbum 3000 tokens + forum badge
    2nd - @Sensei 2000 tokens
    3rd - @lol7890 1000 tokens 
    Congrats everyone! You did a great job! 
    I want to thank everyone for participating and posting their art, keep it up! 
    Winners, please DM me your ID numbers so I can send you your rewards! :)) 
    See you soon in a new event! Cheers!
  4. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Just some progress i did in the past few weeks   
    awesome progres keep going
  5. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Darkoo in Just some progress i did in the past few weeks   
    awesome progres keep going
  6. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Stormrider in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    yup things are exepensive you need to farm
  7. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Trying to max out madmax!   
    If you are continuing using the torso, change heat module  for the other spare you have there . It will help better in cooling. It will be just a tiny better. The heat cap will go a bit lower, but recovery will be better. 

  8. Like
    gRedsz reacted to CleverName in CleverName | Ask Me Anything   
    Similar to the old forum, feel free to ask me anything. (I do reserve the right to not respond to some questions/give vague answers where applicable.)
    Some quick FAQs I usually get:
    Q: How much have you spent on SM?
    A: 5 figures USD.
    Q: Where do you live?
    A: NY, USA.
    Q: How old are you?
    A: Mid 20s.
    Q: Where do you work/what do you do?
    A: I work in private equity for a firm on Wall Street. Private Equity is basically investing in companies, improving them, and then selling them (so basically investment banking + consulting). Feel free to learn more about it online!
    Q: What's your name?
    A: Sorry, I'm trying to keep my identity secret. (So that is why sometimes I may not answer some questions too clearly.)
    Q: Do you have a YouTube channel?
    A: Yes, you can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/c/CleverNameSM
    Q: Can you give me tokens/items/accounts?
    A: No.
    Q: Are you a SM/TS/GG/Forum Mod/Dev/Admin?
    A: No.
    Q: Can you help me with builds?
    A: I prefer giving build advice to Rank 1 players, as that's where I have the most experience. There should be a Build Help section on this forum; I'd recommend you go there to ask for help. I made a topic on Current Meta Builds - I always play the best build in the game.
    Q: Why do you play SM/why did you spend so much?
    A: SuperMechs for me is something I enjoy playing. I enjoy playing it not so much for the technical aspects, but it’s more of a nostalgic game for me as I played it when I was a bit younger and really enjoyed the game (and with nostalgia, comes happiness). I don’t remember why I quit, but when I found the game again, it’s really been great. I also really enjoy the community here, being able to be creative with builds, and having a close fight every now and then. =P 
  9. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Darkoo in Just some progress i did in the past few weeks   
    Got to level 200 and immediately maxed out ( only on legendary for now ) the platinium plating. Also finally got a second frantic brute and my first build is complete. Going to wait for a physical drone, hoping for selfish guardian or the selfish protector and some better phys weapons. Also started saving up tokens for when an offer arrives

  10. Sad
    gRedsz reacted to WhySoS1r1os in Leaving SM...   
    That's sad😭
  11. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Stormrider in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    literally 3000 token deals are best cuz they offer a guaranteed thing
    everytime when an offer appears,ask here before buying!
    what you should do in 1v1 campaign:Final sector(Overload's Den),needed to be completed at highest priority
    Then try to beat on hard difficulty,then challenge to beat insane
    The main level you should spam and farm should be :
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6

    Max the monkey first.Its HP can tank the 1v1 battle easily.
    Then max the buzzsaw but dont myth it(Myth makes it need more backfire)
    Then the leg and drone
    For now it seems cultivaing a normal F2P energy build will cost you too much time and effort,you should do it later(1v1 campaign is rather easy)

    So on looking and knowing all you situations you should:

    Max monkey and a massive feet first
    Upgrade buzzsaw and protector drone
    better get some modules legendary atleast
    dont rush for what i've said energy mech first,you should do that when u are capable to reach rank15+complete overload den hard diff at least
    Focus on 1V1 campaign to final boss,then try harder level
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6 is best for farming
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6 is best for farming
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6 is best for farming
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6 is best for farming
    Overload's Den 1V1 stage 6 is best for farming
  12. Like
    gRedsz reacted to t3nb in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    Here is what I got:
    * 1 v 1 campaign, energy mechs are at a advantage (not sure about physical) 
    * 2 v 2 and 3 v 3, more of heat mechs are at a advantage because most enemies don't use energy.(not sure about physical)
    *Still use windigo for the energy mech for campaign but still keep the LVP (though if I wanted to use LPV, it needs for heat modules)
    * The build that storm rider had provided energy is the best f2p option, viable in rank unto rank 10. 
    * Should I focus on all difficulties of 1 v 1 campaign or start spreading my progress across. Meaning that I should first start on building energy mechs. Or focus on heat first and get more progress in the other campaigns. (not sure if heat will be difficult for campaign or not)
    * What should I upgrade next then in terms of items 
    Below I have upgraded some parts but my windigo is still at epic level
    * I made my monkey mythical 
    * I made the protector legendary (heat)
    "or" I have enough tokens to buy a 2000 deal. Which one is the best 2000 or 1000 deal?. Also should I just hold onto my power kits incase I get a good weapon that might be worth upgrading more than my current weapons. I can then show you my new items and from there get a final input on upgrading what weapons to mythical?
    Ps thank you for all your help and time. Im really learning a lot as a new player. 

  13. Haha
    gRedsz reacted to bumbum in When update?   
  14. Haha
    gRedsz reacted to Sparatus in When update?   
  15. Like
    gRedsz reacted to XmadmaxX in Trying to max out madmax!   
    Finally I got one of them after you just posted it  here doki and I been working on maxxing it 🤠 yeeehaw please make it more often!!
    Seems like you're my lucky leaf huge thanks 🙏 👍 🥰😇

  16. Like
    gRedsz reacted to bumbum in Bumbum's Junkyard   
    A sprite that I made for art competition.

  17. Like
  18. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Stormrider in Guys what i need to upgrade cuz im dont know   
    if u use claws,then modules are highest priority.
    You would never love to become a sitting duck if ur stats are poor,right?
  19. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Stormrider in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    The reason why they won't get overheated is easy
    What you've got(like heat buzzsaw/desolation/drone) are all focusing on dealing heat damage and breaking resistances, not overheating enemies as main purpose
    Who for now you may think u can use energy break to make most enemies shut up in campaign
    Here is a tip:When you start 2v2 and 3v3 campaign soon you will find electric mechanic are at disadvantage
    The enemies will equip lots of 'energy-free weapons' 
    like your desolation they don't need ANY energy to fire even u energy break them
    Still energy is best for 1v1 campaign
    Yes I want to tell that this the the best electric F2P build up can reach ever
    But as I says it's F2P It can really push forward any harder post rank 10
    on talking sorrez (in ur replay) 
    would it be better if he change mortalbullet to brightroar
    and in my own opinion this cheap f2p's mail issue is about not enough energy suppression/fragile/lack motability
  20. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    it is about choice. If the energy mech it is giving you a better result in campaign, then go for it. Campaign will be your gold maker in 1V1 OD6 Insane. If energy work better, then use it. Energy mech at low rank can work too but require modules to support. 
    The energy mech built by Stormrider it is a decent one. You can copy that if have the parts. It will take you to some ranks like R10+ and use then the LVP. If you use LVP then will have to cover a bit heat module. 
    I decided to make this old mech I tested long ago. Look the replay. I played as dummy so you can see what side weapons and issue with drone plus the issue of the smart bomb with that energy available can do or not. 
    Pay attention carefully then tell me the issues. Of course, can work some. Look the power of my opponents and check the loop of players the game set me up for the loss. Even I played as dummy, the game wanted to screw me over. Also check who started and what position at start as average. 
    Remember that I have parts divined and my account is maxed in L250 plus arena shop is maxed. Your numbers will be lower.



  21. Like
    gRedsz reacted to t3nb in Luck or luck!?!?   
    I opened a fortune box from grinding big boy and here's what I got:

  22. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    138. pushing hard
  23. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 47
    Another routine day. Not an exciting one. Hopefully will get portal tomorrow. Did the daily missions, raid, and reached lvl 138. Just farming away gold, upping gold mines.
  24. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Very Important Announcement   

  25. Sad
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Leaving SM...   
    he left some time ago. 😥
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