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    JamAnime got a reaction from supermechupdateyourgamepls in what do i need to improve my mechs   
    There is a trick to that.  You have to wait 30-60 seconds after each ad. Do the raid, one mech battle. Don't finish the raid. Quit after you beat that mech. Do that like 4 times, or test if you can do more. Do this before completing the daily raid.
  2. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in what do i need to improve my mechs   
    The fastest and easiest way to farm, for beginners, is Overlords Den Mission 6. Insane would be the best for gold. For tokens, just watch adds and complete the farming missions
  3. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Has anyone ever been paired buy more than 5 rank difference?   
    It actually goes both ways. Because I was not waiting that long. Like 5 seconds.  The Emma might have been the one waiting longer.
  4. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Has anyone ever been paired buy more than 5 rank difference?   
    It actually goes both ways. Because I was not waiting that long. Like 5 seconds.  The Emma might have been the one waiting longer.
  5. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from supermechupdateyourgamepls in what do i need to improve my mechs   
    Higher cooling. Upgrade your modules. Cooling is best at 400, now. Regeneration also needs more. So, upgrade some modules, and take out two. Might take a while.
  6. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from MasterChief in Continue the Story   
    huevos rancheros with....
  7. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What you following this season?   
    Japan, awesome. Yea, I like anime better. The mostly have a story, rather just random episode.
  8. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in What you following this season?   
    yes. old as me even older. I was watching from my dad bed where I used to sleep often and next too at baby coral. My mom used to turn on the old tv for me since baby to keep me entertained when she had to deal with my older brothers, so I was a junky tv baby like the kids now internet. By age of 2 or earlier I used to turn on the tv and change the channels and fight with my older brothers to watch my anime and cartoons. 
    It is something already in my nature reason I like more anime than cartoons because drama etc. Also, I used to live in Japan because my father time in Japan military base. There is a bit of Japan in my DNA in some ways living there that young. 
    Of those mentioned, which one do you like as best? Why?
  9. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in Has anyone ever been paired buy more than 5 rank difference?   
    Today I did a pvp, and got paired with a rank 4, and I am 9.

  10. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in What you following this season?   
    There are few others depending on time availability with family. Sometimes they are at bed early, and I eat at different ours due to long hours work and I watch them eating and farm at the same time. 
  11. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in HOW can ı improve my mech?   
    The problem is that you started with Energy.  You should have started with Heat, or physical.  Heat more like;y.
  12. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Guys I need help   
    Sounds like a yellow transform relic.  They are used for upgrading a legendary item to mythical. So, 5 items to up a legenday to mythical. It's an extra item, instead of using battle items. You will find it in upgrading.
  13. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in what do i need to improve my mechs   
    Higher cooling. Upgrade your modules. Cooling is best at 400, now. Regeneration also needs more. So, upgrade some modules, and take out two. Might take a while.
  14. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Continue the Story   
    without the cheese....
  15. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in What should i improve on my mech?   
    It is not that you are doing anything that wrong. It is about your acc is newer and some people have some luck in some parts granted. Every acc is different. 
    Your set up is based in what you have right now. No shame. 
    I will give you few tips might like or not. Just look for ideas and improve them according to info for your personal taste. 
    Let's focus a bit on the limitations so do not get frustrated. 
    1- You do not have control of match maker. The match maker it is a pain in the butt. Everyone wants to win having the mechs that our mech can beat and show the finger to them. Well, not me. I just play for fun. The issue sometimes is that the match maker looks for your weakness and set you up with those sometimes in line. That it is not a joke. We cannot avoid playing against Smurf's.  Some of them can go that high but limited in other areas too related to their caps on heat and energy. Sometimes is best to play at different hour so the system does not set you up all the time with the same players. 
    2- It is nothing wrong with the weapons in use generally speaking but will have limitations. Those are ok to some degree in progress and particular rank. Those are more to reach R10 and hard to pass from that cluster and with decent modules. Right now, is hard to get there lacking on them keeping you at much lower rank. 
    Check the modules to close future power and natural HP if had the premium parts on modules needed to simulate current set up. 

    If you look above the Regeneration at 128 and cooling at 166, both in the future maxed identical as it is, will be really bad to fight at top. Cooling and regen will not support the consumption and been attacked at the sometime and you will run out of energy and will overheat attacking and getting damage from opponent. 
    It is not your fault. It is grants luck, so it is what it is. 
    3- The power output it is important. Sure, with those weapons, will be hard to be someone with 700 in heat cap and even worse having limitation in cooling. 
    4- Your hammer it is a good weapon but sadly it is best to use the heat recoil you have there to cover both ranges 1 and 2 and current just cover 0-1. That force you to move forward to attack. and lose an attack. Sure, you want that one to use the top weapon but will lose a turn very often so better recoil. 
    5- Using energy mech is hard for you at this point not having regen and no proper modules for it but will be nice because at lower rank can help stop them good enough to advance some. 
    6- I will use better physical because will consume less energy and overheat using heat weapons will be less. Sadly, you do not have a shield breaker but can use some sort of limited. 
    7- Your mech use physical drone which does not allow you to capitalize in heat to overheat the opponent. 
    8- You have very nice leg and torso for sure. 
    Let see. I will make a mech for me for the fun of test for loss and see what happen with your weapon around for phys. It will be exploited but just to show what I mean. 
    This is an example with energy, heat and phys attacks with the current set up in modules using a phys set with your weapons at L50. 

    As you can see those videos. You can observe even advanced condition, sure shields not at max, your regeneration and cooling are terrible, and the effect is a mirror image at lover rank and power you are at. If you observe well, the heat mech which similar players less developed does possess at R10, will get you and if you use the heat version, you will heat up your mech attacking plus damage from opponent. 
    In the case of energy opponent, it is a disgrace. I played in that way so can see reality. 
    In the case for physical attack, confronted one of the best mechs and having lower shield affected me more but with a full shield, can stand better and make up and can get some wins versus heat and phys mechs as a loss for energy. Maybe the game will screw you up with a bunch of energy mechs as do with me with some set ups I do intentionally. 
    Let's try your weapons set up at L25-L50 as your current set up. I have not developed some weapons at L50 but at myth status or legend. 

    You can see what will happen. Enry mech is bad for it. Heat will kill you and phys will manage poorly because drone is phys not helping in last attack. 
    Look at it. Think through about what do you do with your parts, how much farm, weapons preference and current limitations. 
    If you need help to make a mech, your limitations are hard to make them but at your rank you know what you see to push forward. Just ask again the forum to help out after watch videos. 

  16. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Does anyone remember   
    There was GOD mode and also Ghost/invincible mode.  I think there was another one also...
  17. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Does anyone remember   
    Yep. Random fighting against that boss.
  18. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Continue the Story   
    to cook dinner...
  19. Like
  20. Haha
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Only rich people or hackers or old special secret deals with Sarah etc old administration can have 1000. 💵
    Those mortals like me can't have that. 🤣


  21. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    We kill each other back and forth... By the way, what's your max inventory? Mine is 500. Yours has to be like 1000 or more.
  22. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Wow....That's a lot.....I'm memorized by your account. You can make like so many mechs.  My flash back idea came back seen all you have.  Creating Clan bases campaigns. Very NICE...
  23. Haha
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you doing?
    I am fine. 
    The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. 
    Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. 😂 I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. 
    It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. 
    Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. 
    Anyway, let's talk about game progress. 
    The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. 
    I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. 
    I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. 

    The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves.

    Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth.

    Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. 

    Someday I will use this 
    My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. 
    Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. 😡 No getting luck with fortune boxes. 
    I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. 
    Let see parts!
    There is a total of 
    EPIC= 78 
    Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. 🥴 There are more to go. 😭

    The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. 
    Current parts. 


  24. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in Looking for a Clan.   
    He is a top player for long and semi-retired a few years back and stayed at top clan for long. Top players can recognize him without issue, and he is my bud. 
    You may contact between others @bumbum his clan might be good for you and will help in WAR having good power and how to do war. He is at top 10 for WAR. 
    The players helped me out recently to see what it is there.  Click there and take a look. 

    I might join him too for temp time. Just waiting for my kid's decision today at night. I asked them but no answer so far. I missed to join my old clan with ACE because their indecisions and I can't force them because I do not pvp since 2022 except few times due to a test with new mechs config for R7 but they are the one that play pvp rarely during the week.  I think I might get into a bit of war for relics again not getting anything in rank box and I played just a bit longer than a year in clans since I play so can say SOLO in OKI for 3 years since creation.  🤠
  25. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Looking for a Clan.   
    Looking for a clan.  My credentials
    - I am rank 7 at the minute. Can get to rank 1, yet not active that active
    - I do titan, net don't waist time on tickets
    - I do war
    - Long time player on and off
    - I do 15 to 20 pvp win fights a week
    Looking for more of a laid back active club.
    DM me please
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