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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. If I'm not mistaken, if the top HB is in use, it can over heat range 6 right. Is that entry range 6. Maybe I am wrong.
  2. Anyone play this racing game. It is so addicting. It is awesome. It has a lot of missions. I been playing it for weeks now. I played it before, yet was not into it much. Gave a go a 2nd time, and learning more as I go with the game.
  3. Wow, serious. Pyra leaving. Wow.....
  4. I feel you @L4K3... That is why I stop playing SM. It became a p2w. The adds are ludicrous, now. Join the club, and stop playing. See if the game lives or goes under. I play other games that give out better rewards, even though they charge more. Still, they are better.
  5. Serious, ... Are you being sarcastic or what???
  6. Even though I am not playing, this is not cool. (Just let you know, the healing drone existed in historic time of the game.) This has been brought up many times, especially on TS. Many were against it. Here is why we don't need a healing drone: - There is no point in use of it. Last time I played, most weapons did over 300 - 500 damage. That means that the max healing would have to be around 500. - Having healing drone, would mess up the "RAID". That means the game will be a full on f2p. Even if healing were only 1, you win with over heating. - There is no point to use it anyway. One turn with two weapon use and a drone does over 1k damage in high ranks. That also means that the healing needs to reach over 500. Anything under, does nothing. The only positive that I can see it use in is the campaign. A healing drone that can only be used in campaign. Other than that, no.
  7. Forced to use mobile more like it. I like using Browser for games, yet can't.
  8. My advice for new players is to stay at rank 16, until you have maxed out your Torso, Legs, two side weapons, and Two top weapons. Concentrate on one build in either heat, energy, or physical. Don't try to max out two builds at a time.
  9. Must be on your end. I can reach it fine.
  10. I'm actually been following it non stop, since the beginning. It is awesome. I need to re-watch from the beginning. Watch it on www2.kickassanime.rs
  11. These event will most likely end some time in February. I don't even think there will be an everyday event.
  12. Nope. If we are discussing about tokens, it would cost about $160,000 If you are replying about Gold, then I believe @CleverName might have half a billion. Or some other players
  13. @Alexander Hey Alex, will people ever be able to access Supermechs online, again? Or will the game will just be a download app? Here is why I hate the windows app: - The download app is slow. It is slower than the android version - You can't switch windows to run auto - Pop up adds appear a lot The android app is the best, yet screen is small. It is still, slow yet faster than windows app. The online version was faster. Don't you want players to be able to play it online?
  14. JamAnime

    help me

    Go to this forum. https://forum.supermechs.com/forum/ucp.php If you have it linked with your email, then you should be able to recover it. There is also a possibility that your acct password can be your FB password. Advice, don't link your acct to FB. That is a bad thing to do.
  15. Watch One punch man. That has high stats. I have not seen it yet, though plan to.
  16. Follow a seasonal anime series. That is how.
  17. It is actually 30 adds a day. You get 60 tokens a day. That is 420 a week in watching adds. Since you can't watch them on an internet browser, you have to do it by phone. I don't know about the windows app. The windows app only allowed me to watch one at a time, then have to restart it the app again. On phone, you watch 4 adds every hour. Three hours in the morning and 4 in the evening. That is how it worked a year ago. I have not played in a while, nor watch adds, yet that was the way to do it.
  18. There was a helpful thread on completing each type of campaign, in the TS forum. Too bad it is gone.
  19. I think it is your connection that is the problem. It works for me. Went on fast.
  20. You have to download the app to your computer. Flash ended. Or you can play on the phone.
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