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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by 2008ToyotaCorolla

  1. Thanks! I did the event like 3 more times in hard and I got 2 on the first 0 on the second and 1 on the third! I have 3 now. Thanks
  2. I have played the pumpkin portal and beat every mode 3 times but have not received a pumpkin cosmetic yet. Is this just me being unlucky, can I not get it or is something broken?
  3. Improve modules and max out the weapons and it will be a 6/10. at that level probably 4/10. Heat is a big problem especially since you are running double heat bomb.
  4. Without jumping many good weapons will still not work and if it would become a thing I don't think it would really be used in meta that much as it is very similar to the claw without the insane hp and does not let you jump so stuff like distance shredder and basically any scope build wont work with them. It is very easy to access and divine as it starts in rare so mid ladder will probably have quite a few builds running it as it has a pretty decent amount of hp and still lets you walk that can get you out of some situations. I still think that the claw is better and the huge feet set is better but they are both a lot harder to obtain. Amazing art and will fit right into the supermechs loot pool. Amazing concept
  5. Tbh if you want the epics for food to make legs go to the clan shop and buy the level 20 iron plantings. They take 3 rares to become epic and you can use them to make legendary items for super cheap.
  6. Not a hacker. He is probably just smurfing to get some easy wins in the lower ranks for his clan. They are annoying to go against when they are climbing back up.
  7. Soon I hope. The portals and events that rarely happen keep the game from going to stale.
  8. I'm guessing that is a rank 15-14 build. It is pretty good for that rank but to upgrade it further try this. 1) Max out the legs. The legs you are using are insane already and maxing them would put your mech in a much better position 2) This might be hard but try to get a red or blue vest torso as they are insane (aim for red as more people run heat then energy) 3) Upgrade your modules and get resistance. Guns and body parts is not the only thing that matters. 4) Search up f2p builds or meta builds and try to copy one that looks good as it will probably work better than your current build. Hope this helps
  9. As the timer will not end and therefore, there will never be any set winner until one of the following happens. 1) SM dies and nobody uses the forums 2) The forums go down 3) The internet ends and there are no more websites 4) The world ends after the sun goes *maaan I don't wanna do this no more dude*
  10. Yea rip. I wanted the current offer for the plating because I need one but I am broke
  11. Who else spent all of their saved up tokens on the paint. I know I did. Don't know why I did but ... It does look cool to have a mech full of very expensive paint.
  12. Time is running out we got to do our fight soon @Manolis109
  13. @Manolis109 what is your discord so we can arrange a time. My discord is programming_fish.
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