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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by 2008ToyotaCorolla

  1. Amazing to see a few legacy players reunite with the version that got them started
  2. To get a hammer you need to obtain an epic card (this is because they start in epic). You can do this through buying premium box (not worth it), premium pack (worth it), offers, base level 20 and mix/silver/fortune boxes. All of these boxes contain epics (sometimes in some guarantee in others) which will sometimes be a hammer.
  3. Very true. After you get your base to lvl 15 you can make tons of power kits but you have to hack to get legacy items now and it is only the starting inventory. Do not convert them and if you do just leave your myths and legs (If you have them)
  4. Wow!!! Why did you max the card factory's? Is it just for the clean 20? Also how long did that take?
  5. Нет ошибки. Иногда нет событий
  6. Sometimes they do. I think it has something to do with verifying but rarely they will take a long time to arrive.
  7. I think you can fight in chat as it does not give you any rewards but dont take my word for it as you are still interacting with people outside of the comp and also get to play test your mech in arena. Campaign should be fine as it wont realy give you anything of value towards the mechs as the account already has boxes and you can only have 1 epic and it has to be lvl1.
  8. They will give us accounts in 1 day from now
  9. Connecting 2 account will delete the older one
  10. Who else just vibes to the SM complete soundtrack?
  11. Thank you so much! This really helped! I have plat fortress so I will save up for the other fortress offers. Did not know that the offer existed. Noice!
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