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Flawed 2

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Flawed 2

  1. You probably want to do a physical version of this build instead of a energy version, since you'll be doing more damage with a physical version.
  2. Since I don't know your modules I didn't add any, but here's one build I came up with:
  3. It's a different idea, however I think I prefer the normal battle menu.
  4. I highly doubt a update will happen, Gato Games developers said it's finished (according to someone I found in Arena chat).
  5. Flawed 2


    ...why do you want to deactivate the base?
  6. I'm not one of the certain people, am I?
  7. Sorry, I think knowing your email or password is the only way to get your password changed. Remember to write your passwords down somewhere though.
  8. Interesting idea, I get dizzy looking at it though.
  9. Energy mechs aren't known for their high damage output, therefore you shouldn't just have Energy Fortess. You could probably remove your Nightfall (on your physical mech) and replace the Electric Fortress with your Defense Matrix. If you have another resistance drainer, you should add that on your mech too. Also, replace your Energy Storage Unit with a Energy Engine. For your heat mech, you could remove the Red Rain and replace your Energy Fortress with a Defense Matrix. Red Rain is a good weapon, but if you use it on this mech, you'll get out of range for both of your Range 3-6 weapons and have to use the Recoiler, which can cause problems if you run out of uses with your Magma Recoiler.
  10. ...but unfortunately death...
  11. Flawed 2


    Why on earth does he want to get rid of the base? Silver boxes are not better than the base. Also, they don't remove the base anymore-
  12. For your heat mech, I think you need another weapon because your mech's gonna be pretty weak once you've used up your Red Rain uses and can only use the Corrupt Light. For both the mechs: as people have said, use Combined Resistance Modules instead of a single Energy resistance module (why do you even have that? I can understand if it's heat or phys, but energy? Energy mechs probably aren't going to do that much damage to you)
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