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Everything posted by DragonWTF1486

  1. hey, what program do you use to draw pictures like that, those legs you made are beautiful With what to edit or do you make those types of drawings I want to know; 00 why do you look spectacular!!!
  2. ._. Well whatever you say, I hope the creators, mod or admins think about their community
  3. I'm not complaining, I'm just asking since I've been playing Super Mechs for 5 years, and I'm worried that the game will be forgotten, you took it wrong
  4. Use my favorite torso (brutality obviously) in the arena in the high ranks, also forget the password and mail xD
  5. When the Game Administrators or the creators will update this game. This game hasn't updated for a long time.
  6. Hey, I recommend that you do it a little more in the style of super mechs, so it would fit more
  7. If you are right in the Overheating part, the brutality torso is bad in Heat, that's why I say the improvements it needs are better heat statistics and more hp, also lowering -1kg so the brutality would be used as a great torso again, but not him. better, well polished Good stats proposal seriously you are making him want the brutality to be improved
  8. Hola soy nuevo en este hilo y bueno lo unico q digo es q Buffeen al bruTAlity y bueno eso nada mas eso lo digo por q necesita un buff por ser primo de zarkares
  9. DragonWTF1486


    I play supermechs normal, no legacy
  10. Hola soy DragonWTF1486 soy nuevo y me uní a esta página porque me gusta Error o bug no lo se: me aparecen personas con cosas divinas y miticas, por eso tengo batallas injustas, se que su torso y piernas son de noob pero su vida no es normal y sus armas son poderosas eso es por eso que ya no tengo batallas justas, hasta me hacen casi instakill termina aqui =v
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