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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by DragonWTF1486

  1. Ok Hi, I made this drone, it's cool, and I thought (why didn't the game devs make Explosive Skull's drone look different from its electric cousin?) Well, here is what I did with the drone and well for me I would say it was bad after all I don't have that much experience drawing or editing images but I will try to improve it
  2. here is another texture that I made that was in my thread (nightmare looks like brutality) I reupload it in case you didn't see it A question ? : can you explain to me what that is or what it's for, I've been here for 1-2 months and I had forgotten to explore the things we can do on the forum
  3. Have people realized that common nightmare and epic brutality are very similar? That's why I'm going to try to make the nightmare rare so that it looks like the same evolution path as brutality. I have a feeling it's going to go wrong xd I'm done, here it is, (I just did it today) if someone knows how to draw I would like to see your version
  4. Help why doesn't it load??? yes clearly I have wifi, I mean a bug or error???? are they updating it?
  5. Hello good morning. Just today I started to make weapons or well, draw and join parts of other weapons, to see what came out and well, this is what came out (note, it is the first one I did) I will continue making these and I will share them to continue improving, I hope you rate my little effort
  6. Well, it would be a good idea to compensate us for the death of time and the continuous recharges in super mechs, but in my opinion if they give another good portal, it would begin to lose the essence of specialty and magic, but hey I hope that Alex or Marija or the administrators accept this idea of compensation
  7. It's good that you're back even though I didn't remember you xD
  8. Me siento feliz por sabes que por lo menos no soy el unico que habla español:), pero bueno sierto
  9. People, I have started a session, what I had to do is uninstall the game and reinstall it
  10. People, I have started a session, what I had to do is uninstall the game and reinstall it
  11. Espero no ser el unico que habla español aqui en este foro, entiendo el ingles pero aveces me gustaria hablar del idioma con que creci, Bueno al parecer aqui solo hay inglesF
  12. Uff don't say that after it comes true and they don't revive XD yes
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