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Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)

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On 7/20/2024 at 2:38 AM, OKI DOKI said:

I do not want to spill the secret here but just do this

1- Open the game

2- Go to Campaign 1V1


3- Go to Last boss step 6 called OD6 Insane



4- FARM 


5- Collect gold and Mix boxes 



5- Have fun repeating the same for years to come. 🤣

Image result for repeat repeat repeat meme


Nice drawing, the goat! 🔥🐐 

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DAY 101, 102, 103, and today 104

Missed posting about these past 3 days. I'll just let you know I really have not been playing, that much. Just daily, and that is it. All the Mines are maxed.  Still recovering from a COLD. 


Then I get a fkn huge RASH, yesterday. Don't know how. I Go to the hospital today, and they give me meds that will drug me the next few days

., Tomorrow, I'll Just post the day, below daily.... I been meaning to upgrade like crazy. I didn't buy the Deal the other day, I'm waiting for something better. That was a good one, but I still want to save. Anyway, I'll keep you updated.


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DAY 105, 106, and today 107

Wow, forgetting to post these.  Well, not much missed. Went up another lvl 185 and have 26 million gold. I am farming more now. So, should get back in the saddle soon.

DAY 108

Another routine day. Didn't lvl up. Just farming....


On another note, anyone following the Olympic.  I am. I watch swimming and Women's Gymnastic. That's crazy stuff.

DAY 109

Another routine day. Went up a lvl, 186.  Not much to say. Another same oh, same oh.

DAY 110

Routine day, not really. Did the 100 wins easy, with silent waters 4. Got that over with right away. Did upgrading kits. Made some rares. Need more kits. Opened about 250 mixed boxes. Got to see what the next mech that I will make.

DAY 111

Lets get this over with. Had a routine day, and that's it......Okay, just messing... So, today was a major upgrading and maxing rare kits. Also a sacrifice tokens. I should have put this in yesterday's info, but I put it here today. Yesterday, when upgrading and opening boxes fast, then bam. I hit the buy more storage. Cost me 25 tokens. That put me at 185 storage.  Then today, when upgrading felt kind of slow, in upgrading. I have 185 Storage. Fifteen away from 200. I like, wtf. WHY NOT. So, I widen the storage. Now at 200. Cost me all together 130. Yea, I should have not, but did. After that, upping kits went smooth sailing. No morre rare kits to up now. Have 60 mixed boxes left. Have 69 rare maxed kits, and one maxed epic. I have 27.9 Million gold, and 3671 tokens.

Here is a little video of the acct now.



DAY 112

Routine day, without farming that much. The next few day's will be that way. My nieces and nephew cam over, for the week. So, gotta entertain them. So, might not be posting days info..... Going to post the days date's ahead.


DAY 113: 8/6/24

Day 114: 8/7/24

Day 115: 8/8/24

Day 116: 8/9/24

Day 117: 8/10/24

Day 118: 8/11/24


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DAY 113, 114, 115, and 116 Today

The last few days, missed out on posting like I said would happen. Was basically doing just the daily, and light farming. Got to lvl 188 today. Nothing more, Other than upping factories. I did do 3 OD 2v2 campaign missions.  So, that'd it for now.

DAY 117

Today, did the daily missions, and farmed. I decided to take a risk at finishing normal in 2v2 campaign. I did just that. Completed all normal up to OD6 boss. Though, have not done any normal side missions. I now have 30 million gold and 3867 tokens. It's all about SAVE SAVE SAVE, for me.  Tomorrow will max more rare kits. I'm thinking my next build will be heat. The thing is, I need more heat modules. so, that is it for now.

DAY 118

Routine mission day and farming. Well, not all.  Maxed more rare kits. Have 80 now. That will be gone soon. Takes a long time to make that many, yet gone within seconds. Been doing 2v2 campaign side missions in normal. Went up another lvl 189.  All in due time. Got transform relics from the OD 2v2 boss box. That's it for now.

DAY 119

Another routine day, with daily missions and farming. No upgrade today.

DAY 120

The four month acct. Nothing much today. Routine day. Rose the lvl 190. Got Revenger legendary.  Basically food.


DAY 121

Just another routine day, Missions and farming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DAY 122, 123, and 124 Today 8/17/2024

Haven't been posting, or forgetting to. Just been doing routine and farming. Been buying crafting trash for upgrading kits. Have 99 Rare maxed kits. Have over 30 million gold, and over 4k tokens. I don't know what I will do next, yet. The next 3k deal will determine it. While waiting for that, I'm maxing kits. At the same time, upgrading factories.  Could be going faster, if I put in more effort in it. But, just playing it at a relax time frame.

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18 hours ago, JamAnime said:

DAY 122, 123, and 124 Today 8/17/2024

Haven't been posting, or forgetting to. Just been doing routine and farming. Been buying crafting trash for upgrading kits. Have 99 Rare maxed kits. Have over 30 million gold, and over 4k tokens. I don't know what I will do next, yet. The next 3k deal will determine it. While waiting for that, I'm maxing kits. At the same time, upgrading factories.  Could be going faster, if I put in more effort in it. But, just playing it at a relax time frame.

it is time to blow 4k tokens to get some epics 🤣

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DAY 124 (8/18/24)

So, today another routine and daily missions. At the same time I mythical two heat modules. A Combine Engine unit and Heat engine. Though I didn't maxed yet. I did this to do some research. Apparently, the 104 rare upgrade kits is not enough to fully make my 2nd mech. It cost 18 rare kits to max a Leg-mythical, and 16 to max an epic-mythical.  Don't even get me started on the legendary items that I have to make upon sacrificing 5, to make them mythical. That's another 10 rare kits. Basically, all together will have to spend around 30 rare kits on one item, depending on what lvl it is. epic, legendary, and mythical.  Now, I need to make more.  104 does not cut it. 😔  So, been making as many can make a day, with what I have. Especially non-stop crafting common trashed items. Sacrificing gold. That's all for now.....

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DAY 125 (8/19/24)

Posting this one early, because I want to.  Started off with opening the game, on my main acct seeing the exclusive limited time offer. I thought no to it. Then I log onto this third acct, and was questioning it. It kept getting in my head, as I completed the daily missions and farming. Then I actually bought it. It was just bugging me to get it. So, I did.




So, won't be opening those 24 packs yet. Though will soon. I need to upgrade more kits, and open space That's 120 of epic and legendary items. Opening these pack will determine my 2nd build.  I think I have an idea what needs to be done here. Too much effort in upgrading, that's what it is. 😑 Well, the rest of the day will just be farming.

bandicam 2024-08-19 15-18-14-336.jpg

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DAY 126 (8/20/2024)

Today was a change of plans. I felt like I just opening those boxes  I also need to entertain my follower in the thread. Today was the day to do it.

My routine: As soon as I get on the acct, I farm till empty. Then I either do the 5 arena or upgrading and opening boxes.

After that, I decided to make more upgrade kits.

As you can see, I made a lot. Over 100

Then after that, I was making food, transforming epic items to legendary. I was emptying space.  Then it was time for the show.


Starting, Rated PG-13

 After that first 12 packs, I decided to buy epic up kits.    To be continued...not

Then decided to max Defence Matrix, since I got that in the first 12

 Opening more boxes 2 more, and make more space


After that, decided to up Red Rainbandicam2024-08-2010-22-15-268.thumb.jpg.3ec05725ab9432a08f187e148c961b02.jpg

And Make more space....


 The end results, is that I just felt like only work on my 1st mech pieces.


This is what I upgraded with all the rare up kits I had.

Here is the result

Not what I expected. Maybe should have waited for the 3k deal.  Got a few goodies. Mostly food. Hope you enjoy the show

DAY 127 (8/21/24)

Did my routine early in the morning. Then, today, I decided to change up a notch. I began playing around with my campaign build, to start farming 3v3 Drylands Mission 5 in insane. This is what I am using.


It does the job, as long as 1 repair kit is given. Dry land 5 give more gold and less fuel needed. The major downside of DL 5 is that XP points are low. Yet, I'm not worried about that. It's all about the gold now. Time start boxes again. I'm at lvl 193, now.  So, that's it for now.


DAY 128 (8/22/24)

Yesterday was messed up. First, I wake up in the morning, because there was a bug in  upgrading. Couldn't on the game. Unfortunately, it happened on the 21st, at night for me.  So, I walked my dog. Like you needed to know that. So, the game was not playable for half the day. I started playing in the afternoon. Did the daily on my main, and farmed on this acct. Then in the evening, there was a bug in the arena and the clan.  Just loading. Couldn't get the daily tokens. I just farmed. I was Dry lands 5. Unfortunately, you get not boxes in that mission. So, went back to OD6. I need boxes. I'm going to collect and save more than 500 boxes. In the mean time, I'll be upgrading little by little. Might start a heat build. That is more essential for the campaign. Need a heat to shut down, enemies.

DAY 129 (8/23/24)

Routine day today. Went up another lvl this morning, 194. Completed the special quest, that I was not paying attention to, when logged on. Here is the prize.


Not what I was hoping. My other two accts, got better results. Many say this special quest what compensation for yesterday. Maybe. Don't know. I say meh, to this reward. I hate getting less legendary item,  when other are getting more. Also, I hate getting items that won't use for the longest time. Just not my thing.

DAY 130 (8/24/24)

Another routine day. Nothing muh. Just farm, farm, and farm.

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DAY 139 (9/2/24)

Missed out on posting days 131-138. Nothing really to post about. Just routine and farming. Upped one factory to lvl 20, the other day. Now making another one to 20 in two days. Been crafting 12 Chance Legendary cards. Will take 28 days. Three are complete. The acct is at lvl 198.  Not much to post about. I'm trying to save boxes again. Right now I have 342. Not enough to make many kits. Seem, gold is not going up, nor down. Just at a stance at mid 20 mills.

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