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Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)

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1 hour ago, SettlemenT said:

Oh, that is how you mech looks like? I saw you in the arena one day.... and instantly left. I only noticed your name when looking back replays. It was nice seeing someone from the forum. Great progress! 👍

What rank in the arena? I have 3 accounts, with that same build. This account has low rank stats.  So, it stays in rank 17-16.  It looses to some energy, mostly. My other 2 are between rank 9-6, can get to 5 or better, If I fight in the arena like crazy. I only do 3 arena battles a day on those two.

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1 minute ago, JamAnime said:

What rank in the arena? I have 3 accounts, with that same build. This account has low rank stats.  So, it stays in rank 17-16.  It looses to some energy, mostly. My other 2 are between rank 9-6, can get to 5 or better, If I fight in the arena like crazy. I only do 3 arena battles a day on those two.

I remember rank 17. My mech isn't that good so i can't get past rank 16 (neither i want to, since r15 and below is gonna be hell). I usually cycle between rank 19-17.

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8 minutes ago, SettlemenT said:

I remember rank 17. My mech isn't that good so i can't get past rank 16 (neither i want to, since r15 and below is gonna be hell). I usually cycle between rank 19-17.

Same here. I'm focused on my 1st build right know. My 2nd, I don't know what to build yet. I don't like making mixed mechs.

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DAY 78

Basically farming day like crazy. Early morning, did the daily. Farmed like crazy all day. Got like 70 tokens today, like always. Reached lvl 172.  Reason for farming, need to reach the next lvl before portal. That way, I can spend token for refuel, and not worry about wasting tokens.

DAY 79

Forgot to post this last night. Yesterday, was farming like crazy. Got to lvl 173. Like always, I do the daily missions. I emptied all mix boxes, to see how many I get from portal.

Today Unfortunately, I have to farm normal. My resistance is horrible on phys, heat, and energy. I did consume tokens in hard. So, why not do hard if you completed it once. Well, I have to do it manually. I might to manually tonight, though.

DAY 80

Today was portal day. Yea. So, what did I do? jumped right into it right when I logged on. Farming like crazy. Must have spent like 200 tokens or more. Got about 50 portal boxes.  I didn't do the missions until later when I felt like stopping. Ended up doing the hard, on auto. I just fixed the problem. That was basically removing my mech drone. Will open the boxes maybe tomorrow or sunday.

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Posted (edited)

DAY 81

Okay, lets get the show on the road.

- Daily done in morning, Check

- No lvl change

- HQ at 19

- Goldmine lvl 18 will be complete, in 30 mins. Will do another one.

Now the moment you all been waiting for. Get some popcorn, and a drink and kick back and watch the show. Will start when you click play.

Here are the Fortune Boxes


Edited by JamAnime (see edit history)
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24 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

No surprise as expected …

My only surprise is Rock polisher, yet not that great for me yet. I need a strong HP mech, before using it. Even then, I have not seen it in battles of rank 7-6.  Will be collecting dust in the storage.

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8 hours ago, JamAnime said:

DAY 81

Okay, lets get the show on the road.

- Daily done in morning, Check

- No lvl change

- HQ at 19

- Goldmine lvl 18 will be complete, in 30 mins. Will do another one.

Now the moment you all been waiting for. Get some popcorn, and a drink and kick back and watch the show. Will start when you click play.


Here are the Fortune Boxes



Damnnn the progress is actually insane. I didn't realise that the portal mix boxes gave epics/legendary until 30 mins left. Little bit dissapointed but i still managed to get 2 legendaries so I'll take it. Also is every portal like this?

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2 hours ago, Rarmaster said:

Also is every portal like this?

No. The Golden portal is not. You Just do the 3 portals Normal, hard, and insane, and that's it.


If it is about about paint or a visual item, then that is the portal. Visual items: santa hat, st patrick hat, pumpkin head and other stuff. Those items will have their own portal.

DAY 82

Day 82, Was yesterday. I forgot to post it, because I was out at a family party. Came home and passed out. Only did morning routine. They daily missions.  Ended up going one lvl.

DAY 83

Did the daily routine, and try to farm as much as I can. Not much to say. Upping GM one by one. Trying to get more umgrade kits. Frkn takes time in this game.

DAY 84

Another 🤔, Blank day.... Just doing daily, and farming. Saving up boxes for another upgrade. Maybe I should save 999.

DAY 85

Went up another lvl. Now at lvl 176. Did the daily missions. Racking up gold. Now have 19.3 million gold. Also, racking up boxes. The more the better. Have 140 boxes. Basically upgrading junk. Maybe, just maybe a Legendary. lol

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DAY 86

Didn't fill like posting yesterday's. It was just a routine day.  Went up a lvl to 177

DAY 87

Today, another routine day. Have 20.5 million gold now. Have 3005 tokens, for maybe next 3k offer. Have 2 GM at 19, one upgrading. Tomorrow morning will do the last mine to 19. Then on Saturday, will do the last HQ upgrade. That take like two weeks.

DAY 88
Another routine day. Just farmed more. Lets give a little info. Base 3 lvl 19 mines, one in update to 19. HQ lvl 19, Factory 1 lvl 16, 1 lvl 10, and 1 lvl 7.  Now onto my loot. 21,215,567 Gold. 3,054 tokens, and 266 boxes. Now at lvl 178.  Yea, taking my time with this one. If I rushed it, and craft like crazy, I would be broke, and probably upped crappy items. I'm gonna be picky on this acct. No rush. Can't wait till I get 500 boxes. Then I will make a lot of kits....

Day 89

Another routine day. Daily Missions and farming. Went up a lvl , 179. Have all mines at lvl 19. HQ upgrade to 20 is 6 days 11 hours. I thought it was longer. After that , will up all factories little by little. Have 289 Mix Boxes. Getting close, little by little.

DAY 90

Just another Routine day. Anyone want to fork over there credit card number. I promise that I will, not, pay you back. You have my word. Day coming close. 318 mixed boxes...182 left to get....

DAY 91

Another routine day in farming, and daily mission. Rose up another lvl, 180. So, just waiting for another 3k offer. Gonna be picky regarding this now.

DAY 92

Forgot to post yesterday, another routine day. Getting close to 500 Boxes

DAY 93

Another routine day.

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12 hours ago, Rarmaster said:

level 181 in 3 months is insane. Gs brother. I'm out here on my main and only lvl 178 😭

I do not want to spill the secret here but just do this

1- Open the game

2- Go to Campaign 1V1


3- Go to Last boss step 6 called OD6 Insane



4- FARM 


5- Collect gold and Mix boxes 



5- Have fun repeating the same for years to come. 🤣

Image result for repeat repeat repeat meme


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DAY 95

Another routine day. Will start maxing rare kits, tomorrow.   Might make a short process video of this, for new players. Now at lvl 182, with 24 million gold. Crafting 100 kits at the minute. HQ will be finished tomorrow morning. Then will up all mines in the process. After that, will do factories.

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