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suggest what to replace/add/remove.


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i dont know if my mods are good enough so if i were to replace some of my mods, what should i replace and what should replace it with.

Also suggest on torso,legs, weaps and drone if its not good enough/bad.

still got a slot on mods so also suggest what to add there. Was thinkin use it for resist and hp mod






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I would say it's pretty good. The things I recommend you change are...

1) Your Regeneration looks a little low. It's fine for now, but I would recommend trying to get it up.

2) I know you don't have a E-M Savior Resistance, but I think you need a little more Resistance.

3) When you get one, replace your Massive Lava Feet with Massive Shocker Feet.

4) And of course max out your modules.

I think I should rename myself to Immaculate, that would be a much better name, wouldn't it?

Scorpions are also very cool.

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I replaced one mass cooling with energy engine, that seems enough right? Balance. Though heat/cooling still higher because of torso but i think its fine.

19 hours ago, Flawed said:

I would say it's pretty good. The things I recommend you change are...

1) Your Regeneration looks a little low. It's fine for now, but I would recommend trying to get it up.

2) I know you don't have a E-M Savior Resistance, but I think you need a little more Resistance.

3) When you get one, replace your Massive Lava Feet with Massive Shocker Feet.

4) And of course max out your modules.

Yes im planning to max lava feet for now then replace it with shocker, could still use lava on other mech

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