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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, What can get my clan disbanded?   
    We rarely disband clans, but we reserve the right to do so in cases where it seems the clan has a high amount of bans compared to other clans. 

    For top clans, we generally have the highest requirements. A top clan can have roughly *2* bans in a month period before getting a warning, if any further bans happen in the warning period, the clan will most likely be disbanded.
    This is up to the discretion of staff, depending on the severity of the offenses done, the history of the clan and the cooperation shown by the clan, in addition to considering other factors (such as general behavior in game).

    Thankfully cheating has been rare since the update solving "multitabs", but we expect leaders to remain vigilant.
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, How can I get a job at Gato Games?   
    Thank you for your interest!
    We have job offers for various roles at various times. 
    Community-related roles will often be listed here:
    You can find other roles on our own website or other websites. We expect to open up for more jobs in the nearby future.
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, How can I recover my account?   
    Please note all password sharing and account selling/buying/trading is against our rules. 
    You can try to recover your password, failing that, there is nothing we can do. Accounts can not be hacked without knowing their password, if such a hack ever comes to be we'll announce it and provide appropriate support once we fixed it. 
    Do not share your password, username or playerID with any players, not doing so will keep your account safe indefinitely. 
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, How do Clubs work on the forum?   
    Clubs are subcommunities started by players and approved by the staff. Anyone can try to start one for now, but we will limit it to experienced members later. 
    Please know that the usual forum rules apply to them, albeit slightly less strictly as players choose to do so. 
    Gato Staff and Moderation has access to all clubs and reports within clubs.
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, How do I appeal a ban?   
    On the forums, simply contact support. Please be aware that making second accounts to appeal a ban will result in a ban extension and the deletion of the second account. 
    If you can not PM us on the forums due the weight of your ban, please email us. We will *not* consider any appeals with insults, swearing or the likes in them for obvious reasons. If a mistake was made we'll do our best to correct it. If you recognize you did something wrong and can assure us it wont happen again, we'll often show some lenience.
    For the game, you can appeal either by:
    1. Emailing us at banerrors if you think your ban was in error. Please be aware all bans are based on evidence, we will individually investigate every single error claim and it will not be possible to appeal an account if it was claimed to have been in error before. 
    2. If you are sorry for what you did and can assure us it wont happen again, you can instead email us at banappeals explaining what you did to try to offset your cheating/made it better (if anything) and why you think you should have a second chance. Being fully truthful is very important in this case.
    Please be aware that once we caught you, usually it means whatever you did was bad enough to warrant a permanent ban. Not a single ban error has yet been found. Less than 1% of the bans done have been lifted. The best way to appeal a ban, is to not cheat in the first place. If we can take back your gains automatically, we'll usually do so to begin with instead of a ban, if we banned you in addition to that, it meant we simply do not think you are welcome anymore.
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, What can get you banned?   
    On the forums, not following the guidelines will usually get you banned. 
    In the game, the usage of any external tools or modifications, network tampering and any other method of gaining a game advantage not implicitly part of the game itself can lead to a ban. Similarly any sold/bought accounts are legible for a ban, in addition to any accounts deemed indicated in the sale. This is against our terms of service and can even lead to a lawsuit!
    Finally, the usage of glitches or bugs that in any way compromise the integrity of the game can get you banned. Not sure? Reporting any cheats, hacks, modifications, glitches that may be dangerous to us by email will get you a swift response and a potential reward if we're not aware of it yet. 
    Please note also that we reserve the right to exclude anyone from access from our community for any (or no) reason at all. Including being banned in the game or threatening our players or staff outside of either our game or forums. 
    We try to foster a welcoming and fair community in both game and forums for everyone - please help us by contributing to that. 🙂
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, How to find my playerID?   
    Sometimes you may be asked for your PlayerID by Support. If this happens, please take the following steps:
    1. Log into the game
    2. Open your "Settings" screen (topright corner, gear icon)
    3. Click "Info"
    4. Copy the number shown (or write it down somewhere).
    Thank you!
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    icehearthuman reacted to Alexander for a question, What to do if my purchased tokens/items did not arrive in time?   
    First of all, we're deeply sorry for your experience. We try to deliver all purchases immediately and do so in roughly 99% of the cases. Unfortunately sometimes issues may occur and we will of course help in these scenarios.
    If you're using PayPal, sometimes transactions via PayPal can take up to 72 hours to process. This cannot be predicted up front but if it happens, you should get it before that time is up. 
    We strongly suggest you reload the game fully and re-log to see if your items/tokens still did not arrive. If they did not, please email us with your receipt id (txn id on paypal, GPA number on google play) and your playerID and we will look into it as quickly as possible. 
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