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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Zho.

  1. Just keep playing, as simple as it gets.
  2. Every Cyber Monday. (The Monday after Black Friday) Appeared 3 times total iirc.
  3. Literally lvl 35 and the Neon Yellow Colour. I'm waiting for deals lol And besides, i already got a lot of the Easter ones, dw.
  4. Honestly feel like there should be a yellow/orange Marble Paint. Just these three feels off lol Also, maybe add Orange Paint, since the Campaign Mechs on Hard are colored that way. (And maybe also Crimson, would make someone i know very happy)
  5. More portals would be lovely. Especially Ascension Relic ones, since they're fairly scarcily to get.
  6. Link doesn't work.
  7. If you're planning on using FlameSpear, definitely the first/second one.
  8. False, don't have them... yet. Next person has a Divine Res Drainer.
  9. AI do be pulling up with the Quad Hammers/Axes build.
  10. "Today I tried Farm Tokens fairly" "Fairly" Ngl, sounds pretty fishy to me lol
  11. Zho.


    Around the 19th of each month. Sometimes 1-3 days earlier/later due to other events. Offers have a schedule and an order for when they appear.
  12. ... you don't. It's like this for everyone.
  13. It has a fixed schedule, sometimes being a day or 2-3 earlier/later due to other events.
  14. And double drop chance yeah. Also, it's Paint... Not sprays. Urban Camo Paint. (Green) Navy Camo Paint. (Blue) Marine Camo Paint. (Grey)
  15. Easter is going to be Easter Egg Packs.
  16. That's... A lot. Like. Really. A. Lot.
  17. Was the easiest way and besides, you know more about it than i do.
  18. It's no Easter Egg in any case.
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