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Ace Red Baron

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Everything posted by Ace Red Baron

  1. mammoth tusk and torso sounds good
  2. good answer C You can also solve the answer …
  3. What’s are these credits used for Oops ! no explanation……..
  4. Monke need follow the rule one letter per turn : ) S good t no good
  5. Do you think that it Probably bankrupt like everything thing else
  6. Will be interesting to see you built Arctic ? your full speed ahead … what is your built base ?
  7. No good good answer R Can you find the word Monke King ?
  8. New acquisition, some of money paying off the loans and bills
  9. Your name you chil he ped rin ?
  10. Pea shot her is your name right ?
  11. Sorry NO. D It’s harder them it look ..
  12. O.——) / \. ) = = ) ————————
  13. Rule * one letter per turn * find the word ? S E A R C H Good luck !! Riot winner first event hang men saved by Riot : ( (
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