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Ace Red Baron

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Posts posted by Ace Red Baron

  1. Top secret 2.0

    S.M  team is surely going to  announce at news network 

    I got confirmation and proof that there was indeed a polishing in progress

    so stay tuned !


    5 hours ago, The Rabbity said:

    I have been many times adviced by the game's veterans to invest now into the game and reaps the goods later as the great rumored "update" would come into the game, i decided to buy myself a 50$ meal feast instead, the chicken tasted great, people who invested on the prenium packs missed out on the spicy style dipping sauce and the tendies, period.

    Never seen a rabbit eat a chicken before ?

    typo  replace word with carrots !!

    6 hours ago, Riot said:

    Apparently we should get a update this year, some sources say may, others dont, only time can tell

    but all the sources I have asked have said this year.

    What are all you’re sources please divulged to community ? LOL

  2. 3 hours ago, Asther said:

    The reason for why there's such "expensive" offers is because tokens are easily grindable.

    Doing nothing but your ads and daily quests for a month can get you 2100 tokens.
    That number increases further with raid, occasional special quests and portals.

    So, by those means it really only takes about 6 weeks to save up 3000 tokens from zero.

    Wow that is so cool am going to try it in six week LOL

    Denis what is your level ?



  3. 6 hours ago, Riot said:

    I mean, we should be getting a game update this year so...

    Not sure on the main reason but i would assume its one of 2 things

    1. Base disablements were a limited time thing for after they were introduced, which we have now passed said limited time

    2. to many people would constantly ask for them to be disabled, which meant that they would have to spend more time disabling them instead of doing other things, 



    O yes we’re expecting something new wow 🤩 

    we’re are you getting this information please give us more please detail 

    please post your information to share true fully LOL



  4. On 2/18/2023 at 9:15 PM, Riot said:

    Not 100% sure who you are, I'm assuming your ign is Guardian Disciples 

    These are tough times as the game had the problems with hackers and the problems with smurfers so sorry if people are putting false blame on you

    This is sad story

    hope you fell better getting that of your chest …

    Am getting true difficult times also trying to help out posting images  to help 

     ignore all these accusations and have fun 🤩 

    Take care !! 

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