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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. Can you show your inventory ? Solar torch is generally used with spartan spartiate/frantic brute in addition the rock recoiler .
  2. Maybe you already know whats drone i talikng about so i will present here ( the remake ) I had posted it in a topic with another drone ( but i don't know if i would remaster this one ) but what i saw after coming back to this topic only positive opinions especially for the metallic shark ( probably ), since i am more experienced so i decided to improve it . Otherwise i also redid these stats : Divin ( without arena buff ) Weight : 43 Physical damage : 181 - 223 Resist drain : 8 Energy cost : 75
  3. Share your account ( even temporarily ) with other is not legal .
  4. here is a portal currently is a golden maze, no box but it have tokens and gold.
  5. maybe when you have maxed some modules replace a energy engine by a platinium plating, also replace 1 other energy engine and a heat engine by a energy mass booster and a cooling mass booster .
  6. Very clear explanation, I had considered making it less stronger than it's normal premium version with more weights and less resist than the forteress but it look like you were right . also : Armor annihilator : was premium and is the "normal" version . Damaged armor annihilator : was premium too and it's a backfire version of the armor annihilator . Damaged armor dissolver : not premium and is just a e - m version of the Damaged armor annihilator . I no longer see any logic of the armor annihilator rarety now ..
  7. 1 - replace a energy engine by a maximum protector 2 - add a drone ( not unreliable protector, this need to have a decent hp to use it but maybe electrolyte or face shocker if you have one of the 2) Other advice : 1 - Myth the module 2 - Don't upgrade the double teleporter, upgrade it is useless because that double teleporter don't gain any stats with levels ..
  8. More intimidating .. ( I no longer have these items because its in a other account that i forgot ..)
  9. It's irealistic, all common items have not resist or resist drain . Otherwise i don't think the classic resist module need to be e - m, the player considering lucky to have them will see those items become less rare and less strong . The best thing to do in my opinion is add the forteress e - m version but less trong like damaged armor dissolver for damaged armor annihilator .
  10. maybe ? i have not efficient experience for said it is good or not .
  11. The reason why the the double teleporter was L - L is that don't does damage so if the teleporter double have a mythical ascension it would been pointless to do because it will only increase it's energy cost . alos it's remind me the sabretooth and the cyber torso was M - M ( or M - D )
  12. in addition it will take more work to make a fanart in the same style of the supermechs if the graphic was improved ..
  13. - Burning shower - Sorrow - Magma blast is exactly the 3 items that i miss him . I'll let you find the problem/bug... *basalt disolver range*
  14. death to energy mech due to the low energy resist, otherwise i not see no another faillure . I forgot said ; the rank 10 - 7 is constitued* principaly of energy mech .
  15. humm... it remind me a premium pack have 15% to have 5 epic ( average, not totally precise ), i advice save your tokens for any offer ( a offer which guaranteed you any premium item preferably ) Then it's up to you but if you buy it you can't go back .
  16. Stelight


    So if you don't have vest i advice you save it, is a decent premium torso and you have a forteress ( could be better if you have a forteress of each type ) .
  17. Stelight


    Which ? How many do you have ? Have you better torso ? ( Lpv or Mpv ) Have you some premium resist modules ?
  18. Banned for don't use image for more fun
  19. There was also this thing : edit : also why this topic is was in fanart ?
  20. With a battery armor, for get balanced stats you should equip 3 Op and 1 Qcb, generally the torso for get balanced stats should have 1 Op and 3 Qcb so with the set of modules with battery i said you save 20 weight than with a normal torso .
  21. Funny offers, pratically 1 years it have only modules offers so that cool , let's talk about this offer : - a Fha, is a decent premium torso - a Magma massive feets, ok.. is not a premium items so it's not rare and maybe you already you have but is a meta legs . - 12 or 14 premium pack is the generally amount of Premium in a offer of 3000 tokens . Bonus : 1500 arena tokens, in addition but it still good . (for those haven't the arena max ) For real this offer is really not bad especially for those have not good torso and the novice player, otherwise is just correct .
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