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Everything posted by Frero

  1. He was rank 1, he later sent proof Interesting scope build, my listing also contains none, due to my inexperience.
  2. So to clarify, do I keep the versions I put (except I accidentally put an Energy Fortress instead of Physical on one of the versions), or is there a better version? This is played with high capacity, and low regeneration and cooling. Will correct, along with other corrections this weekend Well, double shotgun became more used later in the year, and the January 2022 Invader-Triple Res Drain hugger also..... It's just a listing if the META in 2022, not necessarily a brand new one. Yes, I was aware , I recall you using the backfire 50 resistance drainer, instead of the 8kg one just to reach 1000 kg. So, for heat the best mech is double shotgun, for physical , I really don't know, and for energy, it is dependent, since one is damage based, and the other drain based. Anyone got the scope builds I'm missing??
  3. Thanks, I will edit them tomorrow, I will wait for some more feedback, so I can change everything at once. Yes, I guess I see claw so often because of counters.
  4. I have no clue about mechs outside of 1v1
  5. Hey, as you might know, a meta listing was recently posted, it was not much appreciated, since there were certain flaws. It has been requested of me to post the meta mechs I posted in that topic on a new topic, so here it goes. First thing, I am a rank 1, but I am not a competitive player, I have however, played the game for a long time, and therefore think I can make a decently fair and accurate meta listing. Yes, all mechs I post are open for discussion. I believe any of these mechs will get you to rank 1, and even top 10 if played properly, and if you feel like wasting your time, since top 3 spots are taken by boosters anyways The best heat player in the game ATM, IMO, is Lord Gorgon, he can verify these builds. The best physical players, I am not sure. S.A.M. is the authority on Double Valiant mechs. Firstly the heat META: Variations include: taking off Superb Charge Engine and one Fractured Basalt Dissolver for a Double Teleporter, or changing one Quad Core Booster to an Overload Preventor, and adding a Common Teleporter. Credit: Se77en for the original hugger, Clevername for this version. There is also: This mech can also be played in this variation: Credit: Lord Gorgon This mech is disputed, but generally accepted to be viable at rank 1: Changing one Quad Core Booster for an Overload Preventor will allow you to put a Superb Charge Engine, instead of a teleporter. This mech is definitely strong, but it is relatively new. Credit: John Wick Here we have Heat Double Shotgun, the least common of all the Double Shotguns: Credit: Lord Gorgon This mech is very good at range management, and will fair especially well against energy mechs, I added a slight twist to the modules, but I am not able to test it, for more inquiries, ask Lord Gorgon. Credit: Lord Gorgon The energy meta is much smaller: This mech is an old one, the energy hugger sees much less use, but Void Drifter gets rank 1, and top 10 with it consistently: Credit: Void Drifter for this version, I am not sure who originally palyed it Double Valiant Sniper, strong especially against huggers and energy dependant physical mechs: It can also be played with these modules: Credit: S.A.M. Lastly, there is energy double shotgun, a very strong mech, also specialised against huggers. Credit: Clevername Last but not least, the physical meta: This version of the energy free physical tank is now slightly outdated, and typically viewed as weaker than it's newer coutnerpart. Credit: Clevername This version is stronger against huggers, and generally viewed as the stronger version of energy free physical. Credit: Missing (if someone knows, please inform me) Then there is Double Spartan Carnage: Both versions are viable, however, it is more often seen as a counter than as a rounded mech. Switching one Spartan Carnage for a Frantic Brute is also often seen, as well as replacing Solar Torch with a Protector drone. Credit: Also missing, same applies. And finally, Physical Double Shotgun: I am not 100% certain of the utilities in this mech. It is very common in arena, sometimes with a Falcon and Massive Lava Feet, as well as teleporter instead of Superb Charge Engine. Missing builds include: Physical Scopes (I have little idea of how scope mechs are built, and won't mislead anyone) Further builds include (possibly not META/ not available to everyone), these builds are seen at rank 1, but are very situational: Warrmachine's double UPC build (legacy legs) Manolis' OEMP build High Heat and Energy Capacity but low Regeneration and Cooling Energy mechs Other Heat Builds from Lord Gorgon This is my view of the meta, from my extended experiences in rank 1. So, if anyone has scopes, or corrections, please send them ASAP.
  6. The solution is simple: weight, you use the heat legs because, 99% of the time, your weapons+ drone do enough damage without needing to resort to a stomp (yes, even against huggers). I have had only one match where the opponent had to stomp and lost because of that, and I have played over 100k matches for sure by now I'm by no means an authority, I presented my argument for why I think 508-488 is wrong, not sure if @Pavke agrees or disagrees, but that's what my experience playing that mech is..... Anyone can get rank 1 nowadays, with any mech, I have used mechs which lose to rank 5 people and gotten rank 1, it's easy. The problem with double Valiant Sniper, is that you need the teleporter, even if that means having slightly worse stats, however the 588-408 is completely not viable, therefore, I would play the module set up I sent. Anyways, if anyone knows what the utilities are on physical double shotgun, I would be much obliged. I actually had the second build in my workshop unlimited, however, was not willing to input it, since I was not certain of the module choice. So red rain with less hp but very high regen/cooling, interesting, I will add that to my meta team on WU, maybe I'll make my own topic soon. I found that energy drainers do not need energy resistance, since there are only 2 players who play purely energy free energy mechs, Gospon Zgonci, Nikos (almost purely). That's why I think it's more worth it to have the Quad Core Booster, an alternative set up is: And also this: Supposing you want all 3 kinds of resistance. I was wondering if this would not be better, @Lord Gorgon
  7. I doubt anyone will even read my post to its full extent, let alone that it will be implemented You need tele on double Valiant to abuse their hook, otherwise, you can never get them out of a corner, tried and tested.
  8. Definitely, RNG is always involved, but the probability of all your shots (drone included) of hitting so terribly that your superior mech loses to a weaker one anyways, are very low. The mech corrections I sent, are, in my opinion, the corrected META mechs. Reign has some good players, but many Reign players are quite terrible, and have just payed money to get where they are, like in most other top clans. Some players, like Lord Gorgon, have never boosted, or been involved in all this shitty top clan nonsense. He remains the only one to have tested manifold heat mechs, multiple times, so as to get the most reliable data. While we can definitely cut some slack, we can also edit this META listing in my opinion. Some edits are very simple (changing the legs on energy double shotgun, removing the mercy spartan mech that is barely used, changing the LPV on heat double shotgun to MPV, and so on, please read my previous reply for more detailed descriptions) The META can be boiled down quite easily, The energy meta is much smaller: Last but not least, the physical meta: This is my view of the meta, from my extended experiences in rank 1.
  9. why u calling me a jerk tho ?
  10. ye, I would've checked a bit more, since almost all the mechs have a problem....
  11. Calm down, the builds are not the best, although there are enough changes to warrant new builds. I agree, the builds are bad, although, there are 5 other heat builds at least which are functional, and that drain based energy mech is not that good (yes, I have beaten you in arena) The range management is terrible, it suicides basically, and if the opponent has any amount of brains and regen, they will beat that mech. And, again, I reiterate, why use heat legs on energy double shotgun, energy legs work better. Make a meta listing that is actually good please. It is not that hard to make a decent meta listing
  12. oh definitely, but some are not useable, eg dual brightroar
  13. Most definitely, the mechs i sent are not just rank 1 mechs, rather the most commonly seen that can not only beat most matchups, but can consistently get top 10 if played properly. Dual shotguns were not used by clever (physical/heat), new 2020 meta also not, meta evolves. @SawzAll, your listing has some problems since all mechs which I edited, I have rarely/never seen with that module set up, including some which are soft counters, which should not be in the meta. Energy builds are also lacking, e.g. manolis build is barely viable anymore, the double Valiant Sniper build is completely off, and cannot sustain its own weapons with those stats. I would disagree, CleverName's list had many builds which were never used/ stopped being used, because they were only ever used since he said they were good.
  14. I personally find that Double Valiant Sniper will not work with that module setup, as the energy capacity is too low, the dual spartan mech is dead to energy, I have only seen it played with Lightning Platinum Vest, the heat double shotgun mech works better with Molten Platinum Vest. The energy double shotgun mech needs energy legs, since when you are energy broken, if you use your stomp with heat legs, the opponent in all likelihood has over 100 heat resistance, and you will deal less than 100 damage, whilst if you have energy legs (Massive Shocker Feet), you can actually deal damage once energy broken/ recoiler is out of uses/ cornered). The physical double shotgun is also regularly played with Lightning Platinum Vest, since those energy stats will not suffice for anything other than a heat build. I would definitely consider adding other scope mechs, which are also viable, as well as, but not limited to: High heat and energy capacity, but low cooling and regen energy mechs (seen at top 10 positions weekly) Energy hugger, specifically the one played by Void Drifter Burning shower mechs (eg. Reckoning and double Basalt Dissolver Double Teleporter, Single Resistance Drainer Traditional Hugger As well as Huggers using Molten Platinum Vest, double Overload Preventer, double Quad Core Booster, or using Lightning Platinum with the Same Modules
  15. Thanks for the great Christmas gift! Today we basically got, 1 op portal pack, 2 op portal fortune boxes, and 1 free premium pack, thanks Alex. I also remember the old portals, I would farm the whole day spend maybe 500 tokens and I remember I did have some good drops, and I would also like to be able to farm portal, but if the drop rates were that bad, then let's keep these portals pls Merry Christmas to u Alex.
  16. Well, while energy is the worst element, a hard counter can easily get u to top 10 in 1v1 season, WWWblb, Tirregregars and Wep often play energy trolls to get top 10, but rounded, there are few that manage it S.A.M., Doug and archangel r the only ones that come to mind that get top 10 with rounded energy, Lyba sometimes as well. And by top 10 I mean now and then not at season end...
  17. Frero

    Remember me?

    Unforgettable Fyre, r u and ur bro here to stay for a while?
  18. I mean, it has been done before, but if u watch ur 30 ads daily, u get 60 extra tokens, so that means 70 tokens a day+ 100 (I guess everyone gets at least 100??) from raid every week+ raid first clear rewards which are like, at least another 10 every week. So that means u can get 530 weekly minimum, if not even more. If u add that there is a portal or quest on average every week or week and a half, then u can get around 150 tokens from those, so ur total becomes almost 700 tokens weekly, so it will only take u idk like 6 weeks or a bit less ot get to 4k tokens.
  19. Darkstare is back, se77en is back what is this madness
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