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Everything posted by Stefix5000

  1. Stefix5000


    for a newbie: windigo and massive lava feet, for a higher ranked player: molten platinum vest and massive lava feet
  2. don't ask me, it's alex who was crazy enough to have already done it before
  3. bannable offense in some cases prosecutable in court as well
  4. Stefix5000


    No. It automatically translates to the language used in your country, for me it's in serbian
  5. Don't use kits that aren't fully upgraded
  6. like a little over 100, I always keep my fuel as close to empty as possible
  7. Besides the lack of massive lava feet and resistance drain on the first one, it's alright
  8. I personally think kendall is a moron, am I the only one?
  9. this has basically happened to everyone at one point or another, try contacting support.
  10. for the slowness of the upgrade screen, the game fills up on its available memory pretty quickly after some time running, I'd advise you to restart the game, or even clear cache if this issue persists. for the "kicking out" issue, you're using the same power kit to upgrade itself with, however, you can't see which one you've already selected, so you're basically forced to guess which one you've already selected and avoid it.
  11. just do od6 or od8 and make commons in your base "fast" should be one mythical maxed every week, at least on lower ranks
  12. you might wanna give kurt a "best answer" for his help, just sayin
  13. you should try not using mixed elements on your mechs, night eagle would work better than space invader
  14. Hell yea I support bullying kids True Next person knows how to separate video games from reality
  15. true (rather, I clean up after myself, as I no longer live with my parents) next person prefers bananas over coconuts
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