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Everything posted by StealthBeaster

  1. But i tried 4 Times on Hard Mode and i didn't gain perk or a Legendary item :c
  2. i didn't play my turns, then this happened. التسجيل_2022_03_17_02_42_45_300.mp4
  3. There's No updates Because the Game is Done
  4. i have just recommended you to add it to be Like OCTAVIOUS MARK ll it's Better Stats.
  5. The platinium Pliers should be there Cooling dmg: 5
  6. Alexander has been dead more than 3 months ago. you don't know???
  7. StealthBeaster


    Are you Ok? Go Check out it in "Upgrade"
  8. هذا جيد هل يمكنني ان ادخل بحسابي الثاني؟
  9. What? 3rd mech?? But show us your 1st and 2nd mech.
  10. even mr.beast don't play Super mechs because it's unknown game
  11. اللعنة عليك, لم تعد اللعبة تدور حول الاستمتاع بعد الآن
  12. المسؤول لا يهتم باللاعبين الذين في الشات انه يهتم فقط بالاموال
  13. انت محق لكن اذا كان هناك لاعبين يفعلون هذا فلماذا المسؤول لا يقوم بحظرهم من التعليق في الدردشة؟
  14. هل يجب ان تستعمل الاثنين معا في روبوت واحد؟
  15. i get over 70 Tokens By Watching ADs per day, and i sometimes Buy little Value of tokens in Tokens Shop. i don't Buy Tokens everyday... But i have to save them to Buy an offer. i do not Buy offers that costs Real Money cause it's So Expensive in my Country (;-;) any more questions???
  16. يا صديقي هذا الموقع ليس للاعلانات
  17. Anyway, i said "you need to Upgrade the Base to lvl 16 to Craft Epic items Chance of Drone."
  18. انت تحتاج الي ترقية القاعدة الي مستوي 16 لكي تقوم بشراء عناصر ملحمية
  19. i'm Already saw that post in Facebook Group. anyway it's Good work.
  20. هذا يعتمد على الروبوت الخاص بك.
  21. You have Already that Shadow Wolf ???
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