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Everything posted by The_Real_Ramsay49

  1. Yeah I suppose you’re right, tho when I was an active p2w I never spent on refills except if I needed it for next level
  2. How is that toxic, it’s a joke…. To be fair, I’ve been playing for about a year and half and I’m at lvl 219, so players playing for 7 years, obviously must not play much. Also p2w doesn’t rlly help to get xp….
  3. Killer rewards, but probably worth the grind…
  4. I’m at 140-150 and stil growin cause ya know what, I’m only 16 lol
  5. Yes good sir, I believe it was asked and answered at least twice in the first page of the topic :)) (no legacy)
  6. So I had a thought ladies and gentlemen. This police tournament that’s going on is a fantastic idea, and brings a little new bit of fun to the game outside the normal events. I just got an idea not 2 minutes ago. First of all let me thank Pavke, and anyone else involved in making this tournament work out ( I sincerely apologize for not knowing who you are) it certainly will take work as I see Pavke is bombarded with questions SO. The idea, yes, I will get to that now. I got the idea from an old game I used to play called “March of Empires” What if tournaments were regulated in-game as a new event, but one that happened everyday? One that is automated at a certain time each day, any player can sign up, and no matter your rank you can have a fair fight. I’m thinking the tournament would bring you to a new workshop where you can make a mec out of whatever pieces are available. Say some days it would be commons-rares, others would be divine days. All players would be given the same availability of pieces AND buffs to make it 100% fair and all skill (or luck due to rng ofc). After the tournament starts, you can watch other players battles until yours starts, and, ofc, the rounds would go down to the final. But wether you win or lose in thinkin you should get a reward depending on what round you made it too, reward increasing each time. Idk, I think that’d be pretty cool, a fun new addition to the game
  7. Oof, y’all just need to read the first page or so, all your questions will be answered there
  8. One mech, no phys items except charge and plating, minimum requirement is 2 heat weapons AND 2 ene weapons hence, the “police” mechs
  9. Go back to first page if needs be, firefly/electrolyte are banned, ene and heat breakers are allowed
  10. Ene and heat armor breakers are allowed, according to one of Pavke’s previous comments
  11. Yes, 2 heat 2 ene weapons minimum, no phys at all except charge or mod
  12. I’m so confused as to how this is gonna work but sounds great all in all
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