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Posts posted by The_Real_Ramsay49

  1. 9 minutes ago, Electro said:

    That in flex thread, it is one of the most recent posts in the thread .

    edit : there is the drop  ( not in the order )

    - Platinium forteress

    - Claw ( my third claw , _ , )

    - Combined unit engine ( the only not premium item i got in this offer in legendary )

    - Electric forteress ( my second so is cool )

    - Overcharged rocket battery 

    - party crasher 

    - Solar torch 

    God. Dayum man. Guess what I got . 2 drops outta 6 packs, 2 food. Superb and cracked plasma cannon

    4 epic packs in a row 🤡

  2. 1 hour ago, Electro said:

    1 turn you just use your drone...

    Also you can more precise? here is a timer and if it drops to zero we lose ?

    Yeah, timer will be same as regular, there will just be different seasons (or maybe a choice) to play 1 turn games, 2 turn games ( like regular gameplay) or 3 turn games

    and popping your drone up counts as 1 turn, not the drone shooting

  3. On 2/27/2022 at 6:33 PM, SawzAll said:

    If you were in Walmart shopping for something, like say Borderlands 3, you put it in your cart but there's like 3 more on the shelf, and someone walks up to you demanding the one in your cart, and when you refuse he pulls a gun on you, is that someone who's sane?

    This is basically what Putin did.  Putin can buy land elsewhere, and can buy oil from Saudi Arabia.  He's engaged in violence for something he can obtain in peaceful ways.  The Ukraine is a sovereign nation.  This would be like the USA deciding we want what Mexico or Canada wants and starting a war with them.  It's madness.

    And this type of behavior is along the lines of the impulsivity of some mental illnesses and/or the ignoring of other people's sovereignty like antisocial personality disorder (i.e. sociopath/Dexter).  We don't have to wait: Putin is already there with Hitler and Hussein.

    Anyone who defends Putin is not thinking clearly, either.  I am not going back on this statement.  Putin attacked a sovereign nation without provocation just because he wants to annex them.  This is basically how WW2 started.  This is why UN/NATO/USA liberated Kuwait from Iraq, and it's basically what Saddam Hussein did.  There's no defense or excuse.

    If you're going to keep defending Putin I'll just block you.  So please come to your senses.

    What did I say that made you think I was defending Putin?

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