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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by noㅤ

  1. My one man clan just solo'd a 2 star ant mech.
  2. Here are my rank 5 mechs so you can see what regen you'll be up against. Notice my modules aren't all mythical yet and my second mech doesn't even need energy but still has over 300 regen per turn to counter energy damage. You have a cool design but I'd replace a side weapon with any energy draining beam to be more effective.
  3. Good for scopes. Its lightweight, does more damage that repulsers, and gives you flexibility to jump backwards and flee if you're grappled into a wall.
  4. This happens if your clan earns a reward while you're logged in. To fix: 1. Close your app completely. Make sure actually select "exit supermechs" and also close it as a background app if on your phone. 2. Log back in. You should now be able to get the clan reward.
  5. Saw a few people have it. What does it mean? Why are these folks froggos? Kermet clan ftw.
  6. I remember this. He was begging for help on the forms but refused to explain how he lost his account (at least publicly). It made me think he shared his password so support couldn't help and he quit. New account holder has been playing ever since. RIP.
  7. I have that too! I want to scrap it but always end up keeping it since I've never seen anyone using it. Seems very rare.
  8. noㅤ


    No better feeling. Peak Supermech endorphins... well, unless we ever see seraph blade.
  9. Mech warrior and heavy gear are amazing!!!! I also like Armored Core for faster action.
  10. I've tried a build like this in arena and struggled with pushers. Anyone with a repulser, missles with pushback, the jump backwards distance thing, and etc. made me waste a movement to get back into firing range. Just a guess but try replacing the torso with its energy counterpart, replace the top weapon with 2 distance shredders, and remove 1 resistance drain to fit an cooling booster in that last slot. You'll be able to fire ay any range and have higher max energy and heat/energy regen. Let me know if its good!
  11. Hi, super great mech. Its not too common for new people to understand the benefits of attacking resistance. Bravo!
  12. Honestly I saw this coming. This is a hobby game like Candy Crush but you treat it like a skill based game trying to climb ranks in a fair way. Not saying your ideas aren't valid, just saying its not the reality of this game. Sad to see you go, man. None of us are enjoying balanced gameplay. Even top ranks deal with unfair situations like legacy legs that boost resistance, legacy modules/weapons that don't have counters, and cheats. You mention how gameplay use to be but its never been fair. Those of us who enjoy the game simply like blowing up mechs and getting blown up in our spare time. Its not about gameplay, its about preferring mechs over blocks or solving puzzles. See you later, man.
  13. Read the last line; You must reply to that email saying you still need help. Yes its frustrating but try not to stress. Let me share what I've learned about issues requiring developer intervention: The community managers looking at support tickets are volunteers and take a few days to reply. Once they do, they'll ask for more info unless absolutely everything perfect in the first email (Google receipt and email, Supermechs username / ID, clear description of issue, etc.). If you need to email missing info it'll take a few more days for them to see your reply. Once they do (assumimg everything is correct), they'll forward it to an admin since community managers don't have direct access to developers. Once an admin sees it, he'll verify the info and forward it to the developers. The devs will check it depending on their schedule but you have a pay issue so chances are good that they'll look at it sooner rather than later. All these steps all have 2 or 3 day wait times each (at best) so all you can do is be calm and avoid making duplicate support tickes since that'll slow down the process. You really can't rush this. Disputing a claim via Google will take longer and disputing it through your credit card is risky since they'll fix it immediately and cause your supermechs account to have a negative balance. The devs wont know why an account suddenly has a negative balance so who knows what they'll do with your account while they investigate it (which is the same process but in reverse without anyone knowing anything). Good luck, man. It'll be ok... it just wont be ok quickly.
  14. Aaah, I'm not quite sure. From what I've seen, rewards are based on the titans level, and then people get tokens based on that max. So like, the highest damage / tickets gets 100%, then others get a percentage based on their own damage. In other words, one person soloing a titan wont get more tokens, they'll only make other clan members get less.... but that's just what I've noticed so it could be wrong.
  15. It affects the tokens everyone receives. That's why I'm in a one-man clan so I can beat titans without upsetting anyone, haha. Items bought with titan rewards only go to the player.
  16. No Twitch streamers allowed.
  17. Food is anything you don't need that can't upgrade beyond legendary (unless it starts at legendary). You can check an items max level by viewing the little circle after Transform Range: located right under the name. By the way, this is the second time I've seen you say your other post disappeared but the issue is your cache. Here are both your posts so you can see. If you can't find a new post you've made in the future: 1. Wait 10 minutes and refresh the page. Forum updates aren't immediate. 2. Navigate away from the forums > Go into your browser settings and delete your temporary internet files > Restart the browser. You should now see your post.
  18. Wow you have both the phys and energy shotguns already. Amazing luck! This is an example of what Battalion Incinerator suggested.
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