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Experienced Pilots
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Posts posted by noㅤ

  1. Knarf, I totally agree! I come across maxed myths builds with over 100 resistance or 2.5K health in 2v2 who just sit there and wait for time to run out a few times a day. They rarely play me but I get destroyed when they do. It's kind of annoying when physical or electric mechs do it but kind of nice with heat mechs do it because I can get snacks while they play with themselves since shut down skips my turn automatically.

    As for what OKI said, he has a valid point too. It definately depends on gear so it's not always intentional. My build has max myth torso with legendary everything else and I get crazy match ups. I sit between 10 rank four starts and 9 rank 2 stars but get matched with rank 13 and 8 almost daily. Craziest match up ever was a rank 14.

    I'm just mentioning this because yes there is an issue but it would be bad to flag because some players really do get tossed into inappropriate ranks just by changing one piece of gear. I think it would be better to have a match record like on chess.com that shows the percentage of abandoned games and an automatic flag that tags accounts with high abandonment percentages for review by volunteer admins.

    Then again, that sounds like a lot of work for a minimal pay off so I doubt they will address it.

  2. I like being able to pick. This is a low skill game where basically whoever played the longest/paid the most wins. Picking what mech to use against your opponent is one of the few places you can use strategy to win against someone who has played longer/paid more than you. Nothing feels better than beating a fully upgraded myth mech with my myth torso but legendary weapons and legs just by seeing their build and exploiting their weakness.

  3. Hi folks,

    I found a bug that prevents me from receiving bonus items and coins for a few hours after doing certain things. I've tried different setups the past couple of weeks and can finally recreate this issue so here is how to do it so you don't do it accidentally lose out on your coins and items.

    The steps are:
    1. Collect all the items your base has produced and watch the ads.

    2. Have a more than max inventory. You can do this by opening an item box with 1 inventory space left.

    3. Win a lot of mission that give you item boxes while your inventory is full (at least 10 or more).

    4. Watch all the free token ads until it says "come later"

    5. Complete another 5 mission that give you an item box.

    Now (if its not an android version specific bug)  you should get a black +## Legendary card after watching bonus item ads and receive a "no rewards available" notification after winning arena and watching bonus coin ads. The black card isn't an item, it's just an error message because no item is produced after the card flips. Also,I didn't think about posting it until now so these aren't all the times it has happened. I figure I've lost about 12 coins and 14 items. Do you think I could submit a support ticket to get them back? It kinda sucks but then again maybe it's a built in feature to let me know I've been playing way too much, haha.














  4. Both give you free stuff with no effort.

    I upgrade my base or make some items whenever my coins go above 2 million. My base gives me free coins or items in exchange for excess money.

    My one man clan (eat more tacos) gives me a free energy pack once in a while. I see top clans earn free loot too.

    I'm new to the game just joined this forum so I'm sure there is a valid reason... but I'm very curious about why some folks choose to opt out of free stuff. Thanks.

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