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Timothy -OPMOTIOHILTKILLER's Achievements

  1. Fooded a backstabber and molten platinum vest cuz they were weak at the time and I couldn't get use out of them, also fooding max legendaries. I wasn't a "Noob" but I was stupid and quite weak at that time. I also maxed chromium crushers cuz they were pretty good for a noob mech. In addition, I wasted my energy shield (legacy) I could of used it to get really good items in early supermechs cuz they were still legal in arena. Damn I was a noob. Also, technically, that account was hacked cuz I was a noob at trusting people lol. I have a damn good account now with brightroar, pizza cutter (physical), rusty energy, claw, cockpit burner, maximum protector, and shocking grappling hook.
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